When you leave, I'll take my world and shut it away

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Hello, This is my first Hollow knight story. That's right.

And a big warning will go out; This is all a very big AU. Characters will be OOC and the lore will not be exact. events that should take place don't and others happen differently.

Also, Zote won't be a total jerk, just egotistical to heck and back.

Worry not, this story will stay readable to most. except for minor gore and violence.

Hint for the chapter; italics are what's happening presently. The normal text is the past.


The knight stares up at the slumped, seemingly dead pale figure.

Using the flat of their nail, they strike their creator over and over and over.

When he falls to the ground, crack running across his blank mask, they look at the throne, haul themself into it, and sits comfortably. They mess with their charms and exchange some for others. They eventually get up, collect the other half of the kingsoul charm and leaves.


The Pale King paces, wings buzzing softly from worry. When he awoke that morning, His root hadn't been there. She had vanished without word or warning and he fears the worst.

"My king. No sign of Queen Ratia." The retainer reports, shivering slightly from fear.

"None? She... just left?" The wyrm struggles. His voice breaks.

"The lady Knight, Dryya, is also missing." The retainer adds.

"Dismissed... Send Mighty Hegemole to our workshop..." The King commands.

The Wyrm slowly treads the familiar path to his workshop, hands tucked safely in his sleeves.

Behind the door, he paces, anxious, and afraid. He knows that his retainers are both worries and afraid of him. They hadn't seen him express his true emotions so openly.

Hegemole enters, squeezing into the tight room.

"What is it?" The Knight questions.

"Ratia and Dryya have gone missing. I know not if they have succumbed to the plague... I'm afraid for them..." The king admits, pacing about the room.

"They are strong. There isn't any way they'd fall so easily." Hegemole assures. "I may not be the wisest, but I'm at least certain that they are going to be fine."

The king looks at the large knight for a brief moment, his frantic pacing slowing to a stop. "You're... you're right... They are strong, but I cannot help but worry."

"I understand. You care about them as Ogrim cares about Isma." Hegemole states.

"I feel Like a failure of a king and husband..."

"You haven't been left much room to make choices. Ogrim had a point, but I believe bringing it up wasn't the best idea. We are all uncertain of the future, but we shouldn't doubt you. And I'm sure that it hurt you as much as it had her."

"We have a pure, empty vessel and all will be well, but yet..." The King stops. "No, nevermind. Keep an eye out for the citizens as always. You... you know what to do if anymore fall to the plague... I will be here or in my chambers if the need arises."

Hegemol places a gentle hand on his king's shoulder. The great knight leaves, allowing the Pale King to let his facade fall.

He stayed in his workshop, staring at the tablets and papers littering the table. He began working until he fell asleep, two arms under his head, two atop the many papers and tablets, pen still in his loosened grip.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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