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Jeongin awoke the next morning to the sun shining in his face. He groaned as he turned over, only to wince when his boney arm landed awkwardly underneath his thin frame. Jeongin felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up straight.

He heard someone sneeze.

He knew that no one was staying in the room with him. He knew he would have heard the door open if someone had entered the room. So who was in his room?

Jeongin sat up, turning his body so he could get out of bed and look for the person, who he assumed would be hiding in his room.

Suddenly, he felt something compress under his foot, and the floor groaned loudly. Jeongin screamed, pulling himself back onto his bed. Looking cautiously at the floor, he saw a mess of curly blonde hair.

"Chan?! What are you doing on the floor?" Jeongin whisper yelled. People were still asleep, after all. Deep down, he was ecstatic to see Chan again, but he knew he needed to be calm with how he approached him. He didn't want to make Chan angry again.

"Hi Innie. I had to sneak in through the window. Don't tell the nurses I broke the lock." Chan's speech was slurred, and his lips were swollen from just being woken up. Jeongin giggled as he forced himself up off the bed, so he could sit down beside Chan. The breath was knocked out of him as he landed awkwardly on the floor.

Chan sat up with a jolt.

"What happened? Jeongin? Where did you go?"

Jeongin laughed. "I'm right here."

Chan sighed and pulled Jeongin into his chest, wrapping his arms around him.

"I can feel your ribs so prominently now. And your hip bones and your shoulder blades. I'm so sorry I did this to you, Jeongin. I'm so so sorry." Chan sniffed loudly and sighed again.

Jeongin wrapped himself further into Chan's arms, yanking the blanket off his bed to cover the two of them. He was freezing.

"It's not your fault, Chan. It's my fault that I'm so pathetic." Jeongin smiled sadly at his hands as they shivered and wrapped around the thick blanket. Chan grunted as he brushed his fingers through Jeongin's thinning hair.

"You're not pathetic. If anything, I'm the one who's pathetic. I can't control my stupid emotions and all that does is hurt you. Each and every time I've left I've regretted it instantly, but I feel like it will be even more of a burden if I come back." Chan wiped his eyes and sat his chin on Jeongin's head. "I feel like if I'm around too much you'll start realizing how annoying I am. How badly I treat you because I don't know how to control my emotions. All of the people that I was once able to call my friends, or say that I loved, all ended up leaving me, because I'm me. And it hurts. It h-hurts so much and I don't want you to leave me, Jeongin. You're the one thing left in my life that makes me happy." Jeongin felt tears drip onto his head, and he moved his arms to wrap them tightly around Chan's burly chest.

"I would never leave, Chan. I hope that one day I can prove that to you."


hi !! long time no see 

i hope you all enjoyed this chapter ! got a lil emotional there at the end but it's fiNE !

i hope you have a wonderful day/night !! <3 

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