The ass slap

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The smell of sweat permeated the gymnasium. Evie ran around the room, focusing on keeping her breathing steady. She focused on her black adidas runners, dark green short shorts and white polo top.

In. And out. In. And out. In. And out.

"GO GO GO!" Their incessant coach yelled over and over again, whistle in hand. "Ten more laps ladies!" A unanimous groan. Around her girls dropped like flies, just to be forced back up by Coach Gringo.

Heavy breathing next to her. Evie looked over at May, struggling to keep up.

"Girl.. how do... you... make it look... so... effortless?" May huffed through each word, thick braid bobbing against her back.

Can't ever afford to look weak. Evie thought but instead said, "practise. You know I go for a run every morning."

A sharp whistle sounded through the air and everyone stopped. May braced her hands on her legs, sweat rolling down her temples.

"Yeah not worth it. Anyway, I am so hungover from last night!" Coach gave them the order to hit the showers. "You totally should have staid Evie, it was lit. There was this jock" – she clutched at her chest dramatically and moaned – "ughhh. Best sex I've had in weeks-"

They headed into the locker room and started to get undressed.

"- seriously girl, when he-"

"Okay! I get it. No need for the verbal porno." Evie interrupted quickly, sport shorts and top dropping to the floor.

May rolled her eyes and placed one hand on a panty-clad hip. Evie kept her eyes dead ahead. "Prude. Your parents would be so proud." She flipped Evie with her towel, stripped down to the nude, and headed over to a shower. No, they wouldn't be. She thought to herself.

Opting against a shower, she pulled her stuffy school uniform on and headed over to a mirror. By the time May was out of the shower and fully clothed, Evie had already restyled her hair and fixed her makeup. Just foundation, mascara, eyebrow pencil, concealer and lipgloss, courtesy of a very strict no-make-up policy.

"Also, you would not believe what I found out from Liam's team-mate Connor last night." May began, Mount Georgia Grammar School's very own Queen of Gossip, referring to her latest boy-toy, captain of the basketball team.

Evie raised an eyebrow and leaned against the sink whilst May started on her own make up routine. By now the locker room was fairly empty.

"So you know how Jessica Guild has been sleeping with Matt Olson and her friend Emily..." Evie tuned out and started rifling through her bag for her phone, muttering 'I'm listening' sounds every time May paused. Not interested in local gossip of whose fucking who, or whose not talking to who, because by the time you've fully grasped what's happening, the stories changed to something or someone new.

"Oh also, there were gate crashers last night-" Evie's ears perked up and her hands stilled. She tilted her head at May who absentmindedly brushed her hair, "a couple of students from Kleppers Senior. One of 'em knew the twins of trouble, an apparent hell-raiser and wicked party girl." May shrugged and started to pack up her things.

"Oh." Was all Evie could muster, thinking of the girl with the faux mohawk, her swagger and confidence and ass- snap out of it Evie!

"You coming?" May was already halfway through the door. Evie pulled her bag over her shoulder and quickly followed. They were late for third period, but it was only Pre Calc so not important.

Stop day dreaming and get your head in the game. Focus.


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