To the Future a brief highlight

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Horizon of the Stars is a Space Odyssey about a group of friends torn from their lives on Earth, Thrust into the Future so to speak where they find their home gone, lost to the throes of time. Once they find out, Wyatt jumps into action with a drive to find his lost home, drawn by a longing to see his place of birth once again. His friends follow him in a grand adventure to locate everything they had lost. Joined by the Fighter Pilot Squadron that found them just beyond the Edge of the Galaxy, they Set out from Alterra to look for the Lost Home World of the Alterran People. Little do they know that their adventures could lead to disaster for them and the New Human Government.

I will try and add a chapter ever week or two, however I am not making any promises because I never tend to follow through and actually finish what I write. If you like my story ask for more, if I loose interest in writing maybe the comments from anyone who becomes a fan may put the interest right back in me.

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