Mysterious People Chapter 3

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        "Where am I!"

        It was bright when I sat up quickly. Looking around, I found myself in the infirmary in my flight skin. It's like skin tight underwear that helps with the G-Forces when flying a fighter, pilots are rarely without one in case of emergency. I rubbed my eyes because of the bright light and everything slowly came into focus. A core-men came up to me and started asking question, but all I could hear was muffled tones that pitched high and low, slowly I could begin making out what he was saying. He pulled out a pen light waving it in front of my face, it hurt so I pushed his hand away from me, "Don't do that" I began, "I still can't completely focus." 

        "I am not surprised Commander, You've been shaken up pretty badly." He put the pen away and started touching my head asking if it hurt where he was touching. I replied quietly if it did with a small wince and a low "ow" whenever it hurt. "You'll need another day or so here before we can get you back on your feet, rest is what you need." He said walking away. I sat up about to protest at the thought, but what came out of my mouth was not words, but vomit from sitting up to quickly. I lend over the bed so I did not get it all over myself. "Commander, you need your rest," he pushed me back on the bed and called for a clean up. "Don't make me sedate you." I smiled at him, my mouth probably stinking from what I had just added to the floor. Vomiting was enough to convince me, the threat though I found funny, was really unneeded. I hadn't vomited since flight school, so I knew that any reaction that made me do it needed to be met with what the core-men ordered.

        He did not get any more protest from me as a lower enlisted started cleaning my upchuck. I grabbed her arm to stop her for a second. "Yes-sir?" She asked turning to me. She was Lovely, young, maybe in her early twenties, probably join not to long ago. "When you're done, can you please bring me some water?" I asked, it was not an order, she was cleaning up my mess so I was going to be polite. "I can do that for you sir." She said. A few minutes later, she had finished cleaning and brought a glass over, she was very kind because instead of just handing me the glass she helped me take drinks. I gave her my gratitude and apologized for her inconvenience. She shook it off saying it was no trouble, just a part of the job. After one more sip she was off doing whatever other undertakings she was ordered to do. I laid back down and closed my eyes, tomorrow would be a better day. Or so I thought.

        This day was not over yet. Not half an hour after I had closed my eyes my bed rustled and I opened my them to see what was going on. There sat the loveliest person I could think of, Dark Red Hair, Jade Green eyes blinking at me with a smile that could warm anyone, mainly because she could go from warm and friendly to fury and fierce in less then two point three seconds if you say the wrong thing. Terra had placed her hand over mine, I noticed she had some cuts and bruises on her pale face, the dark red of dried blood stuck out like a beacon on her pale skin. Even so, she was beautiful, almost like an Angle. I'm glad I did not notice this beauty to late otherwise I would have let it slip by.

        She leaned down and lightly kissed me on the lip. "You're my hero Corvon." She said in a light whisper. "I owe you my life." I laughed a little bit as she sat back up. "A date will do just fine." I said coughing a little a the end. "No, I owe you way more then a date." She began. I put my hand up to stop her from proceeding. "Then we will start with date once I am out of here. How does that sound?" I asked laying my hand back down beside me. My head was still spinning a little and I wanted to sleep more, but she is worth the effort to stay away. "Of course, we will start with a date then. I'll leave you be now so you can get your rest." She leaned down and kissed me again, a little harder then last time. Smiling, I rolled over and was out before I even felt her leave the bed.

        As the core-men walked in the next morning, he found me getting dressed in my tattered flight suit. "Commander, I need to check you out before you can leave." He stated walking over. "I know you do, I'm just getting ready for when you give me that clean bill of health." I replied with a smile. I really was feeling a lot better, not one hundred percent, but enough to get out of here. He started preforming all the necessary checks to make sure I was fine. gave me some pain meds and told me if I got dizzy or sick to come back immediately. I reassured him I would and off I went to see what the rest of my crew was up to.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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