Blast From the Past Chapter 1

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2015 A.D.

There are three things in life everyone should learn, but we are only human. One Learn how to Live, because life is not life if you do not live it. Two Learn how to Love, for loving can lead to a happy life. Three Learn how to Laugh, Laughing keeps you young and happy even has your body grows old. These are three fundamental words that everyone should get a deeper understanding of and I did for the longest time. I grew up with a Mother who loved me, Grandparents anyone would be lucky enough to have and friends who stuck by me through thick and thin. We laughed, we loved, we lived. Unfortunately for me and several of my friends, that was stolen from us far too soon.

You see I had just turned thirty a few months back and I had a great summer, I was lucky enough to be hired on as an assistant for some scientist who said he was going to change the future of humanity. Now I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but working for a Scientist was pretty fun. I was good at taking order from someone far more intelligent than I was, being in the Navy for four years definitely helped. But I was as well good at taking charge when I knew what I was doing. This Scientist name was Dr. Wheeler Lordon, Weird name I know, but he was a Genius. The Doc was working on some Spaceship project for a billionaire who wanted to restart the American Space Program and put NASA back on the map.

I never actually met the Billionaire myself, but every week I got a paycheck. This allowed me to live with my close friends and I had a lot more free time then I would working an average job and that is why I say I was lucky. Dr. Lordon opened his lab to my friends, allowing up to use some of the bigger area's for us to play our table top game, which we needed the room because our gaming group had slowly begun to grow. It started out with just 4 people but grew to 10 as time past and I have been gaming with this group for a little over a year now.

Introductions are in order I guess. Lance Panel is the GM for the game group, GM means Game Master, just an FYI. I've known Lance since my Sophomore year in High School, we quickly bonded over the fact that we were both big geeks and have been the best of friends ever since. He's a bit shorter then I am with black hair and Brown eyes, which is funny because when he was younger his hair was just as blonde as mine, I'm a Dirty Blonde by the way. Brant Neilson I met when I was in early grade school, just after I had moved to the Kansas City Metro Area, our friendship started out rocky but we eventually became good friends. He was always an inch taller then me but way to thin for his height. Then there's Brandon Kurt, Short and stocky, almost reminds me of a Dwarf, he has a bald head though and stubble on his face, but I have known him since high school as well and we bonded over our fascination with weapons.

Callen Dent I have only known a little more than two years, he's about 8 years younger than I am, but we met at a boffer fighting game and quickly became good friends. He's about as tall as I am, skinny with red hair and probably far more goofy than any one of us. Eventually I moved into a place with him and his Fiance Kara Ellona who loves playing the Tabletop game as much as everyone else. She's a bit Shorter then I am with a big smile and kind of a shy personality until you get to know her. I have actually seen her cover her face with her auburn hair when she got embarrassed. Callen's sister Kaylin Dent was a part of the game as well, she moved into our place with her boyfriend Conner Sly just after they graduated from high school. She was skinny like her brother with crazy puffy hair so she mainly wore it short, and dyed bits and piece of it from time to time. Conner looked like he should have been on the football team, he is not as big as I am but he definitely looks like he can knock someone down.

Allen Maltese kind of looked like a cross between a prep and a punk, he had a pretty boy face but he dressed as and had the attitude of a punk. This made him fit in well with us because he never really looked down on anyone different and he loved our table top game, he is kind of a Geek Wrapped in Preppy-Punk. Last is Stanley Monroe, this guy looked like your average geek, long dark blonde hair that he kept in a ponytail, kind of dingy clothing, but a hell of a nice guy and a great personality to boot. He was fun to be around and play games with and always had something to say.

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