woah. what day is it?
it feels like i've been trapped for more than a month. I've reached the level of boredom where I just want to smash plates. i tried to learn a new hobby but that only helps for two days then I'm bored again smh. i have about 20 games in my phone now, it's time where i say that i need some serious help, i need a robot who can talk to me 24/7.... but i should stop complaining, eventually staying at home is for my own safety ;)
all jokes aside:
please take this seriously and stay inside. this is the time where you can bond with your family and get your life together. don't forget wash your hands and follow all the precaution steps if you're going out for something necessary.
bye...i think
what a life
Short Storyhellow friends. This is basically where I say things about what I experience everyday. what makes me: happy, sad, annoyed, stupid, and bla bla bla just.......... bare with me on this. 👧🏼s t a r t : 3rd December 2019 👧🏼