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(As Unicronus tells his life story to his son the autobots led by elisa launch a full out assault against the decepticons harley fearing this he had his decepticons place defense's all out the base now the true endgame will begin)
(Static) (gunshots) (aerial bots and jeticons flying) (unicronus) decepticons defend dont let them reach my son he will be the key to our victory
(Gunshots) (explosions)

Inside the Decepticon base
(Shockwave) my league I know unicronus is our first line of defense but what's to stop.the autobots from getting here (aiga) yes what's to stop them from getting in
(???) All of u (aiga) master I do not follow (???) You must go to your own arenas and hold them off if unicronus fails do u understand (all of them except aiga) yes master (aiga) ugh yes master (???) As for you aiga you will control my omega prototype 1 as a last line of defense and shockwave make sure you stay here and boost my evolution speed if need be (both shockwave and aiga) yes master gaia (they both leave the room) (gaia) soon my evolution will be complete and elisa will fall

On the warzone

(Jetfire) elisa we cant break through the main defenses there to powerful we might be able to go inside and disable them from the inside
(Elisa) do what you must we will hold them off from here
(Jetfire) good you hear that air raid, silver bolt
(Both of them) yes
(Jetfire) ok let's go
(Thay blow open a valve leading into the base and they fly through it going into the base and going to disable the main defenses)

Inside the Decepticon base

(Jetfire) activate clocking tech
(All 3 cloak) (jetfire) wait do you hear that
(Aiga, soundwave and shockwave talking from afar getting closer)
(Shockwave) well as you can see aiga the main generator is not far from here I mean we just pasted it not that long ago as for the omega prototype 1 we are just adding more upgrades to it
(Aiga) how long till the upgrades are done shockwave?
(Soundwave) estimated time 2 hours 30 minutes and 30 seconds and counting
(Aiga) that wont be enough time there could be autobots here now we need them on faster I command you make them go faster now
(Shockwave and soundwave) yes commander aiga
(They all walk away)
(Jetfire) it would seem that this omega project will be gaias trump card to win the war
(Silver bolt) yes it must be powerful and there adding more upgrades to it it would decimate the field
(Air raid) aren't we supposed to be moving to the main generator?
(Jetfire) yes that omega project will have to wait move out dont let any Decepticons know we are here

(A couple of minutes walking later)

(Air raid) ugh this place is like a maze we dont even know where we are going we dont know if we had passed the generator or not
(Jetfire) I know but from power readings we are close

(A couple more minutes of walking later)

(Air raid) are we there yet?
(Jetfire) yes we are but we have to enter another wa-
(Air raid) (blasts down door) you were saying
(Jetfire) alright then there's the main computer (starts typing) there (on comms) elisa main defenses down on the way now
(Elisa on comms) good were moving in now

On the battle zone (before Jetfire shutdown the main defenses)

(Arcee) I dont know how much more we can take of this
(Bumblebee) I dont know other but we must keep fighting on and hope that Jetfire can shut down the defenses
(Smokescreen) (troughs air strike flare) Incoming airstrike!!!
(Powerglide) copy that smokescreen moving in now LET EM HAVE IT BOYS!!!
(Explosions happening at every turn no matter what happens they will always be even  no matter how many dirty they will always be the same evenly matched)
(A few minutes after the air strike)
(Jetfire on comms) elisa main defenses down on the way now
(Elisa) good were moving in now AUTOBOTS FIRE UP AND ROLL OUT!!!

(the autobots roll into then main Decepticon base now with the main defenses down they have no way to stop the autobots from stopping the evolution or so they think where will this lead next only time will tell)

The end of chapter 9

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