Rob x Child!Reader

743 7 21

Request from Lilbean2463

Sorry if its gonna be quick. Also the reader is 7 years old,and rob is 16 years old,just to clarify.

"ROBBIE!" The (h/c) hair child yelled for the bestfriend. "Yes? Y/n-chan?" "Hi! Hehehehehe" the little (h/c) hair child giggled hugging the tall cyclop's leg.

He laughs and pats their head saying,"Hi little (y/n)" as he said that,(y/n) looked up at him glaring him.

This made Rob confused and worried,"Did I say something wrong?" They nodded as they wanted a hug.

He went down and hugged them and carried you up. "You said I was little,and I'm not I'm taller than you" they said hugging him while laughing.

Rob sighed of relief, the cause of the thought of saying something hurtful to you would hurt him as well.

"Dont scare me like that (y/n)-Chan. I thought I hurt your feelings." He said hugging them back softly.

"Ok! Can we go to the swing set?" (Y/n) said as they looked up at him. "Sure,I have nothing to do." He said smiling at them.

"YEA! Ima swing til I fly!" They yelled as they ran to the swings.

Rob laughed at the childs actions,they were all he needed,and they needed him.

He was like the big brother,they were a only child(sorry for those who have siblings like me,but you can erase that if you must). Their parents always were busy,and they knew robs parents before they disappear. They thought of him as a son,but rob was living with the 2 adorable gay parents, Mr small and larry.(it is cute)

So they decided to let you be with rob all the time, and that made both of you happy, Rob had someone to play with,and you had a friend to be with.

As rob was about to follow you to the swings,he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over it and saw the person who bullied him since,Julius the bomb guy.

"Oh hey Julius,I'm kinda busy" rob tired to walk away,but soon saw his gang circling around him.

"Oh come on robbie,I just want to hang out with my friend" Julius said wrapping an arm around robs neck,but it felt like he was too tight.

"Were not friends you hurt me every single day. And I said I'm busy. Goodbye" rob said in small angry taking Julius arm off his neck and walked away.

"You know what" He heard Julius said as he was pushed down onto the sand. "I was trying to be nice,but now your gonna be dead,get the bat!" This made rob worried,especially since you were there,he looked around trying to find you but you weren't there.

"LEAVE ROBBIE ALONE!" Just then everyone (the gang and rob) looked at the small child cry. "L-leave him alone,o-o-o-or I'm gonna tell on you." You cried thinking they would,but they didnt.

That was enough time for rob to get out of there and get to you.

"Aww the baby is crying,and is this what you do after school Ross? Being with a child. Now that makes you a pedophile."(who said that in da comments on ma request chapter) Julius said smiling. "The name is ROB! And no I'm not that,I'm taking care of them, now leave us alone." Rob said hugging you tightly.

"Or what,are they gonna throw a fit." One of his gang said getting closer,this made the child sob more,but quietly.

"Hey! Stop it,you scaring the-" rob said but was cut off by Julius grabbing you.

This made a switch turn on in rob,and he was angry. "Leave them ALONE!" Rob yelled and was about to hit Julius but has grabbed by one of his gang members.

"Oh you look weak now,aye you mole hog give me the bat,I want this crybaby to see this." Julius said as he was about to get it he stopped at the child saying,"If you dont let us go. I'm scream for help." This made the gang laugh,except for rob.

Cause little does he know,you do have a ear piercing scream. "Oh yea,well go ahead do it" Julius said,as the child was ready for their scream.

They child screamed so loudly that they might have a sore throat later.
"AH MY FUCKING GOD!" Julius yelled as he held his ears close,and so did the others.

"ROBBIE!" They ran to rob,rob then hugged them and ran away. The child was facing behind rob hold onto his arms as rob ran fast.

"Hey come back here!" You both heard Julius yell. "As you both made it to a house,Julius caught you both and cornered you two.

"Hehe now,why dont we all be good,and not make another sound." He said in a scary voice as he came closer to us.

"THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" Everyone turned to see it was (y/n)'s father. "O-oh um hi there,nothing to see here hehehe" Julius said nervously.

"Oh but there is,I see your fucking threatening my child and their friend, OH! AND YOU HAVE A BAT WITH YOU!" Father yelled as he made the teen scared.

"Listen it was all for fun" Julius lied,that's when the child said,"NO! He tried to hurt robbie,and he tried too hurt me too and it made me cry" they hugged rob as they cried onto his shoulder.

"Oh come one,I wasn't gonna hurt you yet" Julius said but this made the childs dad mad. "YET!?,ARE YOU SAYING YOU WERE GONNA HURT A 7 YEAR OLD CHILD!?" He screamed at him.

"I-I uh,well I er- um" the bomb guy was shuttering too much. He didnt realized that the police was there to arrest Julius for trying to hurt you both. "H-hey! I didnt mean it!" "Tell that to the court child beater" the police said putting him into the car.

"Thanks Frank!" Your dad said,"Aye dont mention it,and hope you two are ok" frank(idk I just wanted to give him a name) said as you and rob both were ok.

After the whole incident,the school was asking If rob was ok,Julius stayed in jail for about 4 or 5 days. And little you just played with your other friends.

"Robbie,wanna get a fruit juice! I have two,I think this one is yours,Momma wanted me to give you this!" You said excitedly giving the cyclops a watermelon juice. "Aw thanks (y/n)-chan. And are you ok from yesterday?" He said as you nodded and drank your juice.

You both went to the swings and had fun. It made both of you happy again.

"Hey look! A rainbow!" You said looking at a big rainbow,you remembered that it rained after the incident.

"Oh yea,wow it looks so beautiful" rob said awed at the Colorful rainbow. "Like meh" you said as you did a cat face.

Rob giggled,but nodded. If you both hadn't met,were would you both be right now.

Word count:1214

Hi guys so I'm kinda gaining energy and motivation for my stories,and I might to them. So yea.

I love you all and have a wonderful day.

I love you all and have a wonderful day

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That kinda looks like meh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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