Chapter 18 - Lukas New Friend

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The bell finally rang indicating school is over. Pushing the entrance doors open I take in a breath of fresh air and smile. Happy that I no longer have to breathe in the warm stuffy air that fills the class.

I walk down the stone stairs and make way to my car ready to pick up Luka from preschool. Mums working a night shift tonight at the hospital so I get the joy of picking him up and forcing him to eat his peas.

But I'm all Honesty I don't mind looking after him. Mum works so hard every day that it's the least I could do for her. Even though Luka can throw a tantrum and force me to sleep next to him because he's scared of the monsters in his wardrobe. I love him to death and would do anything for him.

Turning on my ignition I begin backing out of my parking space and begin the journey to Lukas school. Turning up the radio I sing along to the top hit that play. My car is so old that it doesn't have an aux input which honestly Is the most annoying thing in the world but I've learnt to accept it.

I usually have to skip through stations before finding one I like and by the time I do so, I've arrived at my location. So it's nice that today I don't have to do that and instead get to enjoy the ride while I perform a concert in my car.

Arriving at Lukas preschool just in time as the song ends I feel a sort of satisfaction. I Park my car probably not between the lines but at least as close to it as possible. I exit the car and smile at my attempt to park before I make my way towards the school.

The cheer of laughing kids fills my ear aw I enter I can't help but smile when I see the messy brunette in amongst the crowd. His dinosaur top is stained with what think is yoghurt and he is putting away his drawing into his book bag.

Turning towards me his eyes widen almost filling up his whole face and his shows me a toothy smile.

"OBREY!!" He shouts and I laugh kneeling down to his level with my arms wide open.Embracing him in a hug I squeeze him so tight that I swear I heard him squeak. He smells of crayons and playdough. As he lets go of the hug I pull at the ends of his shirt straightening it up for him.

"Obrey I want to show you my new friend. He's really cool. His name is Ty and I met him when we were playing with blocks and he accidentally knocked one down and I yelled at him but then he said sowrry and now we are friends." He mumbles all at once but because I've talked to him enough times I know exactly what he said.

"Okay let meet him," I say as he puts his small hand in mine and leads me through the sea of mini people. I mean they're about half my height but calling them mini people makes me feel better about how small I actually am.

"Hi, Ty this is my sister-"

"Obry!" A small blonde hair boy cheers as he gives me a tight hug.

Widening my eyes I am caught off guard. Ty is Tyson, Quinton's little brother? I half expected Ty to be an imaginary friend Luka made up because he's been having trouble making friends.

"You know my sister" I hear Lukas's voice ask confused and Tyson's little head nods.

"He's my big bwothers frwend." He explains which only causes Luka to yell in excitement.

Tyson's turns his body turns behind him. Waving his small hand to someone asking them to come over.

"Quinn! Quinn! Look." He shouts over to the place where the kids hang their bags.

Letting out a small sigh I bite the inner of my cheek. How come every other day I decided to pick up Luka, I don't ever see him but today Quinton also decided to be a good brother and do it too. I look at the ground as Quinton makes his way towards us. I don't know why I'm bothering to hide my face. It's pretty obvious that it's me.

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