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Sarah Jane Smith and her son, Luke Smith had decided to take some personal time away from fighting monsters and aliens. They sat on a beach in the Bahamas relaxing. She had recently broken her back after being down a stairwell while investigating weird deaths. Her son Luke had recently been in a coma for 6 years after an attack leaving him almost dead. Suddenly, the earth began to shake around them. A Sphere came out of the ground.
"Oh no." Sarah Jane exclaimed.
"What are they Mum." Asked Luke
"Sontarans." Sarah Jane replied with a scared look.
Something came out of the ship.It flew. Could they be a new species of Sontarans?
Sarah Jane had to make a phone call.

After a few minutes of waiting Sarah finally managed to get through to the Tardis.
"Hello. Doctor." Sarah said sincerely
"Sarah!" The Doctor instantly replied.
"Wait is that the Doctor."Sarah asked
"Yes Sarah. I had the upgrade." she responded rather proudly. "I'm Coming." she finished.
Within seconds the Tardis appeared on the beach.
The Doctor all alone stood outside the Tardis.
"Where are your companions?" Asked Sarah
"Oh. I had to drop them off in Sheffield. They wanted some time to visit home. Anyway why did you call me."
The Doctor had yet to turn around. But when she did she was shocked. A Sontaran ship,well at least of that type they hadn't been made for centuries. But maybe it had been there for centuries.

The Doctor opened the door to the ship to find that the alien species that flew out were not Sontarans but a bigger threat. They didn't have a name for their species. They were just one small part of a bigger species but deformed. Aliens forced to leave their home because of how they were. Their deformity was leaving around death parasites that could infect humans and eat them from the inside. The parasites were so small you couldn't tell if they attacked and even worse there was no cure for if they did attack you. The Doctor took Sarah Jane and Luke into the Tardis to be tested. They waited there for hours on end. Waiting for their results. The Doctor went out and investigated for more clues. She dived underwater to where the death parasites had gone and found an empty room with no water,although the room submarine it was in was fully submerged. Sarah and Luke waited desperately in the Tardis for their results but the Doctor already knew what they were.

The submarine that the Doctor was in had very interesting wall designs but what was even more interesting was how the rooms weren't filled with water. The Doctor had got extremely upset as her sonic had been broken underwater. After she forgot to zip up her inside pockets. More to the Doctors dismay was how her pocket custard creams had got soggy. Sarah and Luke wanted their results but couldn't get them. It was killing them. One of them literally.
The submarine had changed wall designs in less than a minute now reading a message on each room running through the different rooms the Doctor read the messages. We are here for a reason Doctor… we were sent by our master… He wants you dead. The message confused the Doctor who was their master.
The Doctor went back up to the Tardis to see Sarah Jane and Luke while also getting a brand new sonic screwdriver, purple, hexagonal sides getting thinner as it reached the top. Yellow glow.

The results were there. Luke had not received the virus. While Sarah Jane had. She was going to die unless they could find a cure. The Monsters spread the virus then feed on their victims but the doctor did not know that. The creatures lined the walls of the submarine. Ready to pounce on their next victims.
Sarah Jane was weak and unstable in her condition. But there was a cure to hold off the illness that she would need to take every few hours. They went to the submarine. Due to the cure to hold off the illness the monsters had no reason to pounce on them. The Doctor suddenly collapsed. She heard voices inside her head. The voices of the people she lost, and one of the people she hadn't lost. She heard a laugh of a psychopath. She got back up,recovering from her brain hack.

The Doctor was now worried who was in her head. What was happening to her. Was she losing her sanity? The creatures still lined the walls of the submarine now with a different message on the walls.
We know your secret… We Know what you did… we know what happens...we are your worst can't hide from us forever. This scared her more than her biggest fear. These creatures knew who she was, but how. What did she do, how would they know. They are her worst nightmares, the only nightmare she had was the Master. These new aliens were actually old ones. Enemies the Doctor thought she defeated in her previous incarnation.
"Who are you?" The Doctor questioned
The creatures began to make noises. Cackles.
"We are,"The creature continued to laugh. " We are the Boneless"

The Doctor looked confused "That's impossible. I defeated you."
"You defeated our descendants. We have been buried for centuries. Recently recruited by an old friend of yours. He helped us learn the secret to exist in the 3 dimensional world."
The Doctor was scared. Luke and Sarah had stayed in the Tardis. She approached the doors but the new Boneless took her to the ground. It was permanent damage. The Doctors hands began to glow with regeneration energy blasting the Boneless away.
She did it. They were away she held in the Regeneration energy. She fell to the ground. She needed to get to the Tardis to stabilise herself. She couldn't get up. She was stuck.

In her dying moments she heard the voices of everyone she ever met. From the caveman on her first ever adventure with Susan, Ian and Barbra to the voice of Tim Shaw. Luke walked out of the Tardis to see what was going on the Doctor was regenerating. She kept the same face. She got up on her feet and went back into the Tardis with Luke.

"Doctor, I'm to old for this" Sarah Jane tiredly said "but let Luke travel with you. He's young, he's got his whole life ahead of him."
"Mum. I can't leave you."
"Luke. Listen I've known you for so long all you've wanted is adventure and now is your chance."
Luke now decided that he should go. Him and the Doctor stood in the Tardis. Dropped Sarah Jane off at Bannerman Road.
"Do you want to pull the lever and decide where we go?" The Doctor asked.
"Yes please."
He pulled the lever and they were off to another adventure.

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