Chapter 2:New Partner

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"Hello Stranger."

Stiff. It was all I felt. All I could plaster on my face. She was.... Gorgeous. Absolutely stunning.

From her killer smirk to her curvatious body. Like a diamond in the rough, capable of turning any dull ring into something spectacular.

 Like a diamond in the rough, capable of turning any dull ring into something spectacular

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She must work here, but how can that be. I know almost every model in this company. Not once have I seen this absolute goddess.

"Hey their, never expected to meet someone so special today. Nice to make your acquaintance." The blue eyed girl said smiling widely.

I think I just died right there. That smile, it was just so blinding from those pearly whites. My heart felt as if it melt right there on the spot. Could she be any more sexy.

"Hey-hey im.... Maddie." I stuttered in a awkward manner.

This really isn't normal. I'm never nervous,yet my stomach twisted in knots infront of someone I didn't even know the name of.

Even when I'm on stage singing infront of a million strangers, I don't  have a worried bone in my body. But she made me feel... Different.

" Trust me I knoww." She responded with a wink that made me as scared as a freaking mouse being looked at as prey.

My face was probably as red as crimson. Wow. Tomatoes could really not compare with the colour that was visible on my cheeks.

"Jayce." She said while extending her hand for me to shake. I hesitated at first, but put my hand in hers.

When a tingling sensation went through my whole body. I kept my composare as I shook the most soft hand I've ever felt.

As if our hands were sculpted together perfectly. Two halves moulded together.

I smiled back at her, showing my teeth in the process.Before pulling away I felt something. A spark?

It was a spark? As soon as our hands left, we pulled apart in a hurry. Maybe she felt it too? That magnetic spark that I craved right now.

"Well it was nice meeting you. Maddie if I'm correct. Never knew models here were as friendly as yourself... And gorgeous" She said and giggled softly.

Did she call me gorgeous?!? Has she looked in a mirror lately. She is litterly the angel in the room.

But was this girl trying to drive me crazy. She was so punctual. So beautiful. All and everything I wanted.

No! No! No! This is wrong we don't even know each other.

"Yeah nice meeting you as well. Jayce,your not to bad yourself." I add scratching my head. She laughed at my gesture.

Maybe I wasn't as nervous as I thought. All I needed to do was be confident. That's it. Be.. confident Maddie.

"See you around. Miss Lindemann." She said while putting a hand through her blonde locks of hair.

Wait.... How did she know me? If she knew my surname, she must've known my name already. Jayce was playing dumb. Sneaky little girl.

"You! You knew my name the whole time!" I hollered out while pointing my finger at her chest.

She burst out laughing, while throwing her head back in a swift motion.
Causing a few people to stare daggers to where we stood.

"Ok fine. I was kidding around. But I didn't lie about, saying it was amazing meeting you."
She said giving me a glance of those aqua eyes.

"Madz let's get going." Someone behind me said while patting my shoulder.

Still I couldn't focus. My attention could only be on Jayce. Never have I ever felt so safe. So fulfilled in my life.

I must meet her again. Scratch that, I have to see her again.

"Hey cutie. I think your friend is calling you." Jayce said a pointed to... Crystal?

"What are you doing here?" I asked my best friend standing behind me, crossing her pale arms.

"Watching that sad excuse of flirting." She responded, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll be there soon. Tell Jason we can drive to your place in 15." I instructed in a calm manner.

The smaller girl just nodded and started walking when she yelled looking over her shoulder. "Use protection!!!" She ended with a laugh and left screaming and chuckling with yet another friend of mine.

I knew that head of brown curls to well to know that it's my childhood mate. Rayel.
Still as happy as ever, looking at both me and Jayce chatting.

"Nevermind forgot!!" Crystal screamed and left me their fuming. While the tall blonde was nearly purple from laughter.

"Wow! Some good mates you have their. Id kill for them.... But sadly I have to go. I'm already late." Jayce added with a pout that made me want to beg her to stay.

"Well it's was great meeting you.-"
"Same to you." She added while putting a hand on my shoulder.

Her facial expression... Said all I needed to know. She didn't want to leave.

"Ill see you around." Jayce said while walking backwards. I sadly smiled and was about to leave when that damn feeling I got with her faded painfully.

I miss her already....

"Bye Miss Lindemann." Jayce said and turned on her around on her heel.

I sighed heavily watching her walk towards the elevator and give me a peace sign before the doors shut.

I giggled softly, and looked down at my lap. I should talk to my father. He always knew what to do. And yes he actually did know about me being gay. Big shocker there.

Quickly I ran into the silver elevator, and pressed non-stop on the button that lead to his office floor.

About 10 againising seconds later, the doors crept open,and I zoomed out of the trapped condiment till I tried to barged into the only room on the floor.

Yet it was locked. Just my luck. Can't I just have this moment.

"The job is your Miss Young." My father's voice beemed from inside his office.

"Thank you sir. You will surely not regret this." A familiar British voice said in response.

Oh my goodness. It's her!! It's goddamn her!!!! What is she doing here?!!?

My thoughts were cut short as the big wooden door swung open. While the other two seemed startled but smiled after seeing it was me.

"Well here she is Jayce." She smiled at him and nodded looking me up and down. Damn that's hot.

"As you know what to do. Enjoy it." My dad said sternly but chuckled in the end.

My father then butted in happily. Before anyone could speak.

"Maddie. Meet your new bodyguard."


So that's the tea. I know cliffhangers suck but bear with me. Hope you enjoyed it guys. I promise to update soon. And don't forget to vote and comment.

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