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We dive back to the mansion and Shank had his hand on my thigh the whole time. I get out and go into our room to shower.

I get changed into clean clothes and Shanks gone. I go to Ambers room and knock this time before going in. She's in bed and her head turn to me.

"Is Liam here?" I ask her and she shakes her head. I get in bed with her and snuggle next to her "you okay?"

"We had our fist fight" she says and I sit up "it was about trust, because I don't know how to open up" tears fill her eyes.

I hug her as she cries "It's okay" I try reassure her, she stops crying and wipes her tears away "we did it" I try brighten the mood.

"No way" she laughs "oh my gosh! How was it?"

"Amazing" I giggle.

"So that's where you guys went yesterday" she laughs.

After we go eat then play some pool in the game room. Night soon falls and we're still playing and chatting a little.

We go into the hot tub to relax a little "Remember seven minutes in heaven" Amber smiles.

"Yeah" I say thinking of the memory again, we where at a party and playing seven minutes in heaven. I remember Amber spinning the bottle and it landing on me.

We made out but found it so funny because we're best friends. "And the time we stole alcohol and had to run for like two hours form the police" I say.

"Yeah" she giggles. We get out and put our clothes back on, the house is totally empty so we decided to throw a little party.

I blast out music and we twerk and dance to the music. The songs get slower and we dance like we're a couple, but it's hard because we can't stop laughing.

Sad songs starts to play and we act like we're at a concert swaying to the music. Amber try's to hit a high note then she looks at me.

"What on earth was that?" I laugh and she bursts out too.

We start to get ready to leave for work, and get a cab there. When we get there we do our long shift before our spotlights come off.

I put jeans over my lingerie just like always and then put my black jacket on. I meet Shank out front and he opens the door for me, we drive back to the mansion.


The Friday of Shanks birthday BBQ finally comes around. I took my braids out and washed my hair, I'm currently straightening my natural hair.

I watch Shank come in form the mirror "Hey Shawty" he greats me with a kiss. I go back to my hair with a smile on my face.

When I'm done I spray my hair then do my eyebrows, then get dressed. I've convinced Shank that we match so we're both wearing light blue jeans with white tops.

I keep my shoulder length hair out then do my edges finishes the look. I fix the holes in my ripped jeans then turn to Shank who is and had been on the bed.

"What do you think" I twirl for him.

"I can see your lace" he smirks making me roll my eyes. I turn back to the mirror and see my white lace bralette, Shank stands behind me.

Our eyes meet in the mirror and I lick my lips "You look great" he says bringing a smile to my face. I turn to face him and he kisses my forehead "let's go" he says.

I follow him out and he opens the passenger door for me, I get in and so does he. We drive off and then traffic comes our way.

Shank puts his hands on my thigh then grips it giving me butterflies. "Anything is should know about your family?" I ask him.

"Pretty big" he pauses to speed up "I'm assuming all my cousins and uncles will be there which mean we'll be apart"


"I think you'll get dragged away anyways, my mom and aunties will have a lot of questions for you" he smiles.

"Is there anything is shouldn't mention?" I ask.

"Make your work space very discreet, not everyone will understand what you do and why" he says giving me a side glance.

I nod agreeing with him, he gives me a look that I can't read. His eyes are soft almost like he's impressive "They'll like you" he tells me.

"I sure hope so" I smile at him, my heart speeding up the longer he looks him my eyes. He goes back to the road and soft music cover our silence.

When we get to there it's another mansion, how much does he have? I get out and Shank takes my hand leading me to the door.

He opens it and walking in freely without knocking, we make our way to the back of the house where there's a pool and a huge party going on.

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