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We step in and heads turn to us, my first instinct is to look at Shank. He's face has gone cold reminding me of the first time we met.

I feel pressure on my lower back indicating it's time to move, I go where Shank goes. We move through the crowd until I start to see familiar faces.

Shanked family is here! My heart gets filled with joy thinking of the last time I saw them. I can't believe my family is so fucked up, makes me kind of grateful I'm marrying into a big family.

"madre, padre" mother, farther Shank hugs his mother and as soon as he touches his father the colour drowns form his face.

He's still scared of his father. Not that I'm judging him but I can just tell. "¿Recuerdas a Cassidy?" Remember Cassidy? He asks his parents and I step forward.

His mother gives me a small smile and I return the favour. "ahora es mi novia" she is now my fiancee.

"novia?" Fiancée? His dads tone is mixed with disappointment and disgust. I look down taken back for a minute.

"Yes sir" Shank says.

"Well congratulations" Shanks mom lifts my head up with her finger. They make some more small talk until Shank starts to move again.

I feel his eyes on me so I look up, he's giving me a cold glare but I know he's not doing it on purpose. Well I hope not.

"Keep you head up" he says, even though his voice is low and husky I can hear the annoyance in his tone.

I lift my shoulders and keep my head up trying to forget the little ache in my heart form his tone.

He introduces me to a lot of people, I probably won't remember, as his fiancée each time he says it the lighter the weight on my shoulders get.

I absorbed Shanks behaviour when he introduces me to the people, sometimes he's tense like he was with his father and others his relaxed like he was with his mother.

Shank hands me some champagne and we keep going. I nurse my drink not really liking it at all, Shank notices my behaviour and gives me a small smile that disappears as fast as it came.

I realize that he doesn't like to smile in front of his mafia, I don't think I've ever heard him cracking up with his men before. He chuckles when he's around Liam but thats it.

"Don't like it?" He asks me.

"It's tastes like..." I trial off not wanting to be rude.


"Yeah" I nod laughing quietly. He takes my glass and gives it to one of his men who put it back on a tray. I look up at Shank and we share an honest gaze.

"My feet hurt" I whisper and we start making our way back to his family.

"It's time for the spectacle" he says and we sit down, as soon as my body and dress weight is off my feet I sigh in relief.

We sit beside his parents and some cousins are around us. Shank takes my hand lacing our fingers together and I get butterflies from his touch.

I look up at Shank as he's watching the show, I let go of his hand and put it on his thigh. I move it upwards slowly and when I'm mid way he looks down at his lap but doesn't say anything.

I keep moving up but go slower this time, I watch Shanks jaw clench as he try's concentrate on the show. When I touch him there he looks down at me.

"I don't think you want to do that here" his eyes shift to his dad. My hands keep working their up but this time he stops me. He takes my hand and we stand up and he leads me away.

His men follow us until we stop at a bathroom "no one goes in" he orders and his men nod. We walk in and he backs me up onto a counter kissing me.

I un do his belt as he kisses me, I go down on him and he holds my hair back. He takes my by the throat gently and pulls me in for a kiss.

He picks me up and puts me on the counter, he lifts my dress up "I hate this dress" he says making me laugh. I moan gently as he finally puts it in, he puts his hand on my back pulling me closer.

He kisses my neck as he slowly leans me back onto the counter, he puts a hand by my head to keep his balance and the other I feel on my thigh spreading my legs wider.

I pull his tie closer to me and kiss him some more "the fact that I can't rip this dress off, irritates me" he dives in deeper making me moan some more.

We go back and watch the rest show that's going on and I start to zone out when the Spanish gets really fast, I think about how Shank just rearranged my guts but we sit like nothing happened.

The lights go from dim to the usual brightness after the show is over.

I stand and the instant pain rush back to my feet as my legs shake "I can't handle it" I mumble and take my heels off. I look up at Shank who looks somewhere between impressed and surprised.

"Can you hold theses please" I give my shoes to one of Shanks men, I see his eyes shift form my shoes to Shank and then he takes them.

"Sure thing Ms. Brown" he nods.

I stand up and automatically shrink beside Shank, I hear a soft chuckle and we keep on going.

After some time I start to talk when Shank introduces me and speaks English, he doesn't stop me or interrupts so I guess it's fine.

Soon enough we get to go and I'm relieved. Shank helps me with my dress and we get in the car. We make out trying to make up for the things we can't do because of my dress.

We get back around 3:00am so all we do is get undressed put comfy clothes and knock out next to each other.

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