Chapter 21

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Angelina P.O.V

"A Disney ball? Tonight?" I asked as Andrea paced around in front of me. "No not tonight, it's in two days. You don't have to go but it would be great if you did go and if you bring Y/N that would be even more amazing. You are one of the many faces that the LGBTQ community looks up too. Ever since you two have come out to the public there have been many older women come out and men come out. Plus isn't your girlfriend like a huge Disney fan?" Andrea asked standing across from me. Andrea Sanchez was my new assistant not because I needed an assistant but recently I would be doing some Ambassador work out of states and I would need someones to help with keeping everything organized and sorted. Alright, I guess that means I do need an assistant.

"I think Disney knew that two because you're allowed to bring a plus one as well," She spoke reading it off the tablet in her hand causing me to groan. "I'll talk to Y/N about it tonight when she gets here but go ahead and confirm it. I know she's going to want to go either way and send an email to my stylist I want them and Frankie. Tell them I'm sorry for the late notice," I spoke causing her to nod before pulling her phone out her pocket and exiting the room. The house was quiet since the kids had gone to spend Thanksgiving with Brad and his family. Y/N still had another hour of work left causing me to groan falling back onto my couch. "Andrea I'm going upstairs, "I spoke causing the girl to step out of her office giving me a thumbs-up as I made my way up the stairs.

Y/N had been on edge with everyone since that accident at the aquarium she didn't want anyone close to me. The guy had, of course, tried to press charges but after sending my lawyers to him simply letting him know that I would personally press charges against him for sexual harassment he changed his mind and decided to drop all charges.

That didn't mean it didn't make headlines. It was posted everywhere in every magazine every blog every website and Y/N didn't have a problem which claiming that it meant no one else would think about coming close to me and disrespecting me again. She found it even funny when she saw a video of it on social media. I, on the other hand, didn't find it amusing well not until she decided to go live one day while we were laying in bed.

I curled up under Y/N as I watched her scroll through Instagram. I was considering getting one but the only issue is I didn't really know how to use it so for the time being I could keep playing on Y/N's. "Hey baby Sofia is doing a live would you be okay if I joined her?" She asked causing me to hum as I turned the page of my book fixing my glasses softly not really paying attention to her like I should've been which only caused her to laugh lightly before kissing the top of my head. It didn't take long for Sofia's face to pop up on the screen before our faces popped up. "My favorite couple," Sofia spoke with a grin causing me to smile softly waving as Y/N spoke. "What are you doing?" Y/N asked as the views began skyrocketing. I could see Sofia messing around in the kitchen causing us to both worry. "I am making a salad," Sofia spoke turning the camera causing us both to sigh in relief as she rolled her eyes at us. Trust me Sofia may be at cooking omelets but that was the only thing which I didn't believe until I saw her burn boiling water.

I watched Y/N and Sofia reading the comments causing me to turn back towards my book. "Someone asked if Ed lived with us?" Sofia spoke with a smile. "Yes we all live together which is why we're getting a bigger house," Y/N spoke kissing the top of my head again. "What is Angelina doing?" Y/N read off causing me to look up from my book at the camera. "I am reading The Great Gatsby," I spoke showing the book as I rested my head back onto Y/N's chest. "I for one hated that book," Y/N spoke causing Sofia to snort. "I know because I wrote your freaking book report on it," Sofia spoke causing Y/N to smirk. "Only because I agreed to do your biology work," She replied causing Sofia to shrug lightly as she began moving rooms.

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