past, present and future.

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Lauren walked into rehearsals that day exhausted.  They were starting to rehearse her scenes from their new musical starship. It was going great but because of how intense rehearsals were, it left her drained. Just as she walked through the door, she heard someones car pull up behind her. Lauren turned to see who it was. Joe. Just after they decided on creating starship, Lauren started to develop feelings for him. Nothing major but it was dissapointing because she knew that if she even tried hitting on him, their friendship would be ruined and she would hate that as they were so close.

"Hey lo! Hows it going?" Joe climbed out of the car and caught up with lauren, giving her a dazzling smile as he did.

"Hey Wox. Not bad I guess, just absolutely shattered from rehearsals. And you?" She felt like a teenage girl who was talking to her first crush because she refused to look him in the eye incase he could see into her soul or some crap like that. Still, better to be safe than sorry, right?

"I'm the same, this musical is draining us and its only the second week of rehearsals. Oh well, we'll get each other through it. We always do." Joe looked down and Lauren and noticed how she smiled to the ground. She did this alot around him but he didnt think much of it. He also noticed how skinny she had become lately - it was like she had forgotten how to eat. Joe silently noted that it might be one of the reasons she's so tired all the time. Maybe it would be good if he could get her to eat some more. He could ask her to come over to his after rehearsals.

"So anyway Lo, I was wondering if you would wanna come over to mine so I can tear off your head and let my larvae devour your body?" Lauren stopped and looked  at him with the most deranged looks before remembering that it was one of her lines as bugette and giggled.

"Kidding. You can still come round mine but we'll both eat normal food and no ones heads will be torn off. Sound good?" Lauren tried desperately to ignore the butterflies in her stomach and focused on the question.

"Sounds great. Im not feeling to hungry though so don't worry about cooking something to fancy or big"

"Im touched that you think I can make fancy food, Lo! Okay I wont cook a big buffet or anything but im still making you food." Lauren felt a little uncomfortable talking about eating, she was hurt by previous comments from a dickhead and it affected the way she saw herself. Being thin was some lauren wanted to be but whenever she ate, she felt fat.


Rehearsals went well, no body was bored of starship yet so the energy levels were still high for most people. Brian was sort of supervising the rehearsal today as Nick was off ill. He called for the Taz and Up scene 'Get back up' to start. Lauren reluctantly got up and stood next to 3 of the 'starship rangers' as she lectured them about the amazing commander Up and his achievements in a strong Mexican accent. Joe came on and sped through his lines, building up towards Laurens song 'Get back up'. The music broke out and she started singing and dancing. A little way through the song, she felt quite weak and dizzy but powered through it, just convincing herself that she was tired. Joe looked at her worriedly, she looked like she was going to pass out. Thankfully the song finished and Brian dismissed a number of people. Joe and Lauren left together, lauren still looking very frail, she even stumbled once of twice so joe held onto her. Even though she knew she felt exhausted, the fact that she was in the hold of Joe's strong arms made her feel so alive. They got to the car, making their way back to Joe's apartment.

"Lo?" There was concern in his voice.

"Yeah?" She looked up at joe who wasn't looking back as he was concentrating on the road.

"What happened today during the song? When we were dancing, you looked like you were about to collapse?" Lauren bit her lip and looked down. Remebering that when they danced, he had his hand on her hip so he would have felt her go weak as well as seen her. She also remembered how nice it was...but that was not what this conversation was all about.

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