:...Chapter 2...:

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Walking down the all too familiar hallways was the worst feeling in the world. Everyone gasping but getting shoved away by a proxy. The way some could smell the fact that I was mortal. Holding my breath, Toby pushed open Dad's door.
"S-Slender...(Name) is home..." Toby said. Dad automatically stood. "(Name). Where have you been?" I sighed. "We both know where I was." I said. "Because I know you've been watching me." I waited, closing my eyes, ready to be lectured. "Toby?"

My eyes opened as as I turned, surprised to hear his name. "Y-Yes?" Toby didn't stutter from tics, he stuttered in fear. "Take (Name) to the basement." My eyes widened in fear. "W-What!? But-But I'm your daughter!" I cried. "My daughter, is not, mortal." I tried to fight the tendrils wrapping around my waist when I felt something stab my stomach. I gasped and looked down, to see my stomach had a black tendril piercing through it. My vision was blurry and dotting. "D-Dad, you can't...You can't kill me..."

My vision was no more.
-Tim's POV-
My eyes widened in shock. "Sir, when you say mortal, she told us-"

"WHATEVER SHE TOLD YOU WAS A LIE!" All of us jumped in surprise. "You mean she's mortal?" Jeff asked in disgust. Slender nodded as the tendril pulled out of (Name)'s stomach. Her limp body fell to the ground. "She would've passed out anyway, any of us would!" Brian said. "You're right about that." Slender stated. "But I wasn't proving ANYTHING yet." Toby looked up at him. "Then w-why did you do that?"

"Would you like to put up with her fighting?" Brian gave Toby a nudge and he shook his head. "Thank you, Slender..." I shook my head. "Did (Name) really become mortal?" I asked mostly to myself as Slender teleported away. Toby nodded in annoyance as he threw an unconcious, bleeding (Name) over his shoulder. "She is such an i-idiot." He muttered. "Because n-now Slender's just gonna use her." I automatically looked up. "For what?" Brian shrugged. "Whatever he w-wants." My eyes widened. "He'll break her m-mind." I followed Toby and Brian to the basement. "But she's his daughter!" Brian shrugged. "He'll probably j-just use her as a mind slave." He muttered. "As much as I hate it, she d-deserves it." Toby added. "She shouldn't have tried to run." BEN opened his bedroom door and gasped, making Toby instinctively freeze. "WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" He started glitching around Toby to get a good look at (Name). "I-Is that (Name)?" BEN asked, his voice glitching terribly. I nodded. "Yeah." BEN smacked the mask off my face. "DON'T GIVE ME 'YEAH'!!!" He shouted. "She was basically your girlfriend, wasn't she?!" He asked.

I shrugged. "There's nothing I can do about it." I bent over to pick up the mask and BEN kicked it away. "(NAME) IS BLEEDING OUT ON TOBY'S SHOULDER AND YOU'RE JUST GONNA GO RIGHT AHEAD AND MOVE ON!?" I growled in anger. "BEN LISTEN!" I screamed. "I CAN'T DO ANYTHING! I AM DYING RIGHT NOW! I WISH I WAS MORTAL JUST SO I COULD KILL MYSELF DAMMIT!" I was panting, BEN, Brian, and Toby all standing there shocked. Tears began to run down my face. "Do you think I enjoy seeing (Name) dying? Or enjoy knowing she's gonna be turned into a broken MIND SLAVE!!!!????" I screamed. (Name) began coughing out blood onto the back of Toby's hoodie. I ran over to her and bent down to meet her eyes. "(Name)!?" I called, trying to get my voice into her conscience. "(Name)! Open your eyes!" I said and she slowly did so. "T-Tim?" Her voice rang out as Toby tried to look over his shoulder and Brian and BEN were both standing there paralyzed.

"(Name)! Deep breaths, (Name)...Deep breaths..." I grabbed under her shoulders and pulled her off Toby. Everytime she took a breath she had a drip of blood fall onto my jacket. "(Name)..." I pushed her face into my chest, sobbing into her hair. "She's gonna die..." I whispered. "But that'd be better to me than her losing her mind..."

"(Name)! Say my name five times!" I cried, trying to make sure she's conscious. "Your name..?" She mumbled. I nodded. "Yes...please.."

"W-What exactly is your name....?" She whispered.

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