:...Chapter 11...:

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       I was slammed against the wall by a Poisoned and seen dots at the corner of my vision as I fought to let go. "(Name)....is worth it..." I dug my nails into his arms and shoved him off me. I found a nearby brick from the crumbling building. I grabbed it and started beating the guy with it. I could hear him gurgling blood in his throat, and I could see the crimson liquid oozing out of his head and down his face, but I didn't dare stop. The hatred of (Name)'s death still burning brightly inside of me. No one was in the crumbling room with me and the now dead body so nobody could stop me. I continued beating him, to the point where the brick was beginning to break off into pieces. I slowly became sloppier with my beating and then started sobbing like an idiot.

"You bastards...You bastards!!" I screamed, beating harder and harder until the brick broke. Then I just started punching. "YOU STUPID...PIECES...OF SHIT...!!!!" I screamed louder. I fell onto my hands. "(Name)...!" I sobbed out. "(Name) please..." I sobbed again to the point it racked my body and I fell over. "(Name)..."



I jolted awake, automatically regretting the action the second I did it, seeming how much pain it had caused. Tim's voice kept echoing. I put the heel of my heels of my hands into my eyes to stop the stinging. "J-Just a dream..." I whispered. I saw a vision of Tim beating a Poisoned's head in with a brick. I gasped. "Stop it!" I screamed, holding my throat from the pain. "I'm alive, quit it!!" I shouted. I looked around and realized that I was still laying on the table in the medical room. I have to get to them. But first...clothes. I have to change clothes these are starting to get nasty. No matter how much pain I was in I forced myself to keep going and scream in silence. I found dusty clothes in an old closet. "Keep going, keep going, keep going!" I whispered as I dressed with a tearful face.

I held my breath as I descended the stairs. "God, DAMMIT!" I groaned (say that in the way Piemations makes Foxy). "The fucking entrance is blocked!" Bookshelves, box fans, random things covering the main exit. The only exit. Shit... I did a quick turn and went back up the stairs. There was a balcony on the side. I remember seeing it when I first got here. Where did everyone go anyway?

I held back a scream as I lunged myself over the railing and I gasped when I landed in deep water. My eyes widened in horror as I watched blood float around me from my bandages. I was being swept away by the current and felt a sharp pain in my body as I got thrown into a tree. I held onto the branches, trying not to fly away when I saw a pair of red, shining pupils. I gasped, creating bubbles, and began trying to shout through the bubbles, "BEN!" I couldn't move or else I'd get swept away. BEN's eyes rested on me before widening and he glitched over to me and pulled me up and onto a tree that's higher. 

I coughed and sputtered as he patted my back, which stung from being so wet. "(Name)! Holy shit, you're alive!" He shouted and hugged me. I pushed him away gently but quickly. "My wounds.." I coughed out. "R-Right, sorry!" He said nervously. He kept eyeballing me. "W-What?" I sputtered, glaring at him. "No offense, but how are you not dead?" He asked. I shrugged. "If I knew I'd tell you. But I don't." I muttered, squeezing my hair. "Sorry! Well you got Poisoned, so y'know..."

"Immune, I guess." BEN looked up at the sky all innocent like, his mouth slightly open as if thinking while crouching on the branch. "'Immune'...." He repeated. "Anyway," I said, snapping him out of his trance. "What happened to this place?" I asked, motioning to the current so strong it was shaking the tree. "I flooded the place, y'know, so Zalgo can't come back here for you." I really wanted to point out that Zalgo could have used Dark Magic to drain the place but decided to keep my mouth shut. "So where are we gonna go now?" I asked. "Well, there's a huge war going on in Zalgo's new hiding spot." BEN said. "But I refuse for either of us to teleport in that condition." He waved his hand at me. I sighed. "I'll make it."

"Yeah, sorry but no." BEN growled. "You will be fine walking. Now let's get out of here.

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