Chapter 4: They're mistaken

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Not 5 seconds later you here a loud BOOM!!!!!! Smoke flooded out the Windows and you instantly knew that bard must've used dynamite again.

"Plu Plu! Get back here!" you here a familiar voice yell, you turn around and see Funny running after Pluto who was... Heading.... Strait... FOR YOU!!!

"STOP!" You scream involuntary. surprisingly enough... Pluto stopped.

"Uh... Sit!" you then command. Pluto then sat.

'That's weird, Pluto doesn't listen to anyone but Sebastian.' (f/n) says in your mind.

Pluto was in his demon hound form, lucky for you, "I'm so sorry sir!" Finny says running up to you.

'Who's he calling sir?' you question (f/n) in your head. You could hear her and the other girls trying their best to hold in their laughter.

'What's so funny?' You ask slightly annoyed.

'He.. He thinks... HAHAHA!! He thinks you're a boy!! Hahaha!!'

'I'm glad you think it's so humorous!'

"I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?" Finny questions.

"Uh.. My name is-" You thought to yourself for a moment, your head then started hurting because all the girls were screaming boy names.

'Say natsu Dragneel!' (Fairy Tail!!)

''Say Naru or Kazuya! (Ghost hunt XD!!)'

'Just tell him you're a girl!'

'Say Rin!' (Blue excorsist!)

'WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!!" you scream.

"My name is Zero!" You say quickly to Finny.

'Zero?' The girls question.

"Zero?" Finny then questions.

"Yes." You say. "My name is Zero, Zero Kiriyu."

'From Vampire Knight? I thought you hated that anime." (F/n) says.


"Well then! Pleased to meet you mister Zero! I'm Finnian! But you can call me Finny! Why are you here?" Finny says happily.

"I'm uh.... Here to ask the Lord Phantomhive for a job!"

'Nice cover up.'

"Really? Ok! You seem really nice! It'd be great to have someone new work here! I'll take you to see Sebastian! He's the head butler here!" Finny says then starts walking inside.

Before you go inside, a black lump catches your eye, you bend over and pick it up and realize that it's a long black cape with sleeves. You were curious as to where it came from, but just shrugged and put it on thinking that since you were in an anime anything could happen.

~Le Timeskip cuz imma lazy!!~

You felt a little safer with your wings hidden, it wasn't the most comftorable feeling to have them trapped underneath a cloth but you could get used to it. The girls suddenly screamed loudly in your head giving you a splitting head ache, 'Ok, that's not your shoe sale scream. That's not your 'I got all A's on my report card!' scream cause I've definately never heard that one before... That's your fangirling over Sebastian scream.' You say to them.

'He's heading right for you!! But uh.... He looks crossed between angry, curious, and hungry.... Oh and his eyes are glowing by the way.' (f/n) informs you.

'CRUD! I should've known fairy souls were a demon's favorite dish! And yet I let you talk me into coming to this cursed manor!'

"Finnian who is this?" Oh glob.. Sebastian was right in front of you! "Hello Sebastian sir! This is Zero Kiriyu. He was hoping to get a job here!" Finnian responds saluting Sebastian. "Really?" Sebastian questions observing you.

'Hey girls, does it look like he knows my real gender?'

'It's hard to tell, but it does look like he's questioning it. Oh, and it's pretty clear that he doesn't trust you so good luck with getting that job.'


"Um... I think I'd make a pretty good servant. And I'm trained to fight if anyone came." You say hoping to ease the tension in the air.

"I see... Finnian go and tend to the gardens before our guest arrives, Mr. Zero, please come with me so you may see my master."

'MR. Zero... *chuckles* They're greatly mistaken.. This could be fun.' You think to yourself then followed Sebastian down the hall.

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