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Jirou Pov

    Class 1-A is finishing up on practicing our new moves in hero training and they have water bottles read for the class once we're done. I grab two and go to look for Bakugo, who I see walking behind the rest of the class looking down. I think it's just instinct for Bakugo to just glare wherever he's looking without having to think about it. But the one thing I have noticed he can't fake is the feeling behind his eyes. I walk to him and toss him one of the water bottles and he catches it but yells, " WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WA- oh." He takes off the lid of the water bottle and raises it to his mouth and takes a drink and mutters, " Thanks." I hum in response and take a drink out of my water bottle. We walk in silence until I ask him, "So how's your move'Master Explosion King' coming along?" He chuckles, "It's go the Explosion part down, I just need to work on the rest."  


   It goes back to silence and then he asks me, "Hey Earphones?" And from shock I don't answer right away and answer, "Y-Yes?" He takes a few deep breaths and asks me with his voice breaking, " How'd you know you liked girls?" I look up from the ground and look at him. "Um," I start, "well I just kinda did, I mean when I started to have crushes, none of them were boys." I search his face for an understanding and all I see is a slight nod and he just blasts off yelling at Midoriya about something random I didn't hear. Now I was behind the class dumbfounded at what just happened. 

    I enter the girls dressing room look down at the floor so I don't make eye contact with Momo and as fast as I can, I get dressed back into my school attire. I walk back to class and get in front of Denki's desk. He's on his phone, so to get his attention I slam my palm onto his desk and without looking up he just says, "Hey Jirou." I bend down to eye level with him and he still doesn't look at me. So being the mature child I am I snatch the phone from his hands and look at the screen. Really? I tell him, " You have all the time in the world and you choose to use the time I'm trying to talk to you to look at cute animals?" He pouts and starts whining, "You don't understand Jirou, my need is REALLY BIG!" I narrow my eyes at him and ask, "Did Shinso look at you again?"

"YESSS JIROU YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" You're right, I don't. He then starts spiraling and I look over at Momo's desk. I can only see her hair because her desk is crowded with people, Mina, Tsuyu, Ochaka, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Ida. Oh what'd I'd give to have a conversation with her alone... Then Denki finishes his rant with, " - so that's why I need to look at adorable animals more today, got it Jirou?"

"Yup. I got it Pikachu." He rols his eyes at me and Aizawa-sensei enters the room, then I go sit down behind Denki. Once Aizawa starts to go onto his rant, I zone out. I begin tapping to the rhythm to "When I Grow Up," by NF. Before I know it, I see people around me picking up their things and that's when I pick up mine. I run up to Denki, punching his shoulder as I walk next to him, he looks to me, "Hey Jirou." We walk a little more then he says, "Is it alright if the gang can play Street Fighters at your dorm later?" I think about it and shrug, "Sure, why not?" Denki beams at me and I hold up a finger before he says anything else, "But give me time, about half an hour, to clean up my room, alright?" He nods and runs over to Kirishima and Bakugo who are walking close to one another, he jumps and puts his arms around both of their shoulders, once he does, Bakugo does a mini explosion. " I SWEAR TO GOD YOU FAKE PIKACHU, NEXT TIME I MAY  NOT HOLD BACK!" I could practically hear Denki's goofy ass grin before he says, "Awww, but that would hurt your precious Kiri..." I chuckle, "KIRISHIMA CAN TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF AND WHO SAYS THAT HE'LL BE THERE NEXT TIME?!" Denki starts to run and Bakugo is blasting after him. I wave after them and shout, " See ya at my place later!" They both yell in response. I turn to Kirishima, who is also  smiling after the two idiots. I wave at him and he waves back. I turn to go to my dorm and Kirishima calls out after me, "Hey Jirou!" I turn back around to see his face now full of concern, "Could we talk before playing games?" I nod, "Sure, in ten?" He nods. Cool .

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