Chapter 21

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-Elsa's Birthday;Elsa-

I woke up smiling. Today is my birthday! I am turning 19, or is it 18? Don't matter, today's my birthday and there is no school! Wait, I am 19! I'm older than all my friends! HA! I ran downstairs in my blue basketball shorts, white T-shirt and my hair still in a braid. Anna was up making something.


Anna set some in front of me. They were chocolate chip pancakes!

"Happy birthday, Elsa!" Anna grinned.

"Surprise!" I heard multiple people yell. I look behind me and see the gang. Hiccup, Merida, Punzie, Jack, and Harold.

"Guys! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Its your birthday! We are celebrating! Food and gifts!" Jack answered. They all held up a wrapped box or bag.

"You didn't have to get me present." I said.

"Oh yes we did." Harold said.

"Let's all eat pancakes first!" Anna said.

"Yay, food!" Punzie smiled. We all sat around the island.

After pancakes, we sat on the couch in the living room. Mom and Dad walked down dressed.

"Hey, kids. We are going to work, but its a half day for us. We'll be home soon!" Mom said and they walked out the door.

"Present time!" Anna announced. Anna handed me her gift to me. I opened it and saw a gift card to Starbucks.

"Thanks Anna!" I thanked. I opened Hiccups card, money, Meridas card, more money. Punzie, a gift card to Target. I opened Jacks and it was a solid blue dog collar? With a white dog tag shaped as a bone. It had my number and address on one side and a small peice of paper on the other side.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"It will make more sense when you see Harolds." Jack answered. I turned to Harold had an animal cage next to him. He opened it and a white pomerainian walked out. Harold got me a dog!

"Aw! Harold! You shouldn't have!" I said.

"I remembered you always wanted a dog." Harold said. He's right, I have wanted a dog for most of my life. I put the collar and tag on the dog.

"Its a boy, by the way." Harold stated.

"I'm going to name him Snow." I wrote snow on the tag.

"He's adorable!" Anna squealed. Snow barked in my face.

"Thank you so much, Harold!" I smiled. Everyone started to pet Snow. He is just so cute!

"Best birthday ever!" I stated.

"Its not over yet!" Anna corrected.

"Its not?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"What else are we doing?" I asked.

"Get in the car, first!" Anna said.

"You guys aren't kidnapping me, right?" Elsa asked.

"You ask too many question, Elsa." Jack stated.

"Fine, I'll go get my sweater." I stood up and grabbed my black windbreaker. 

They all headed to my car and Jack's car. Elsa, Anna, Merida, Punzie in mine. Harold, Hiccup, and Jack in Jack's. Of course, Punzie was driving since I wasn't supposed to know where we are going. I had no clue. Poor Snow, he's all alone in the house.

I hope he doesn't take a shit on the floor.

The car came to a halt, and that's when I realized where we were. The Kareoke place. This is where Jack and I sang together. That was a good memory. We all got out of our cars.

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