Chapter 15- The Jock

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Okay sorry about the previous chapter :/  (Which I have deleted.) I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so easily :( I probz sounded like a bitch. Well yeah. I did sound like a bitch and I feel horrible. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it :P Enjoyy

Sneaking up to the school unnoticed was actually pretty hard. I mean come on, i'm gorgeous. Everyone notices me. On the way I ran into Sarah, that chick from the yesterday. Which I admit, I had made-out with just to get under Lena's skin.

Sarah bounced over to me, grinning up at me in, i'm guessing, a sexy way. She eagerly pulled me towards her, putting her hands into the back pockets of my jeans. "So," she said in her annoying as hell voice, "Why don't we ditch 1st period and have a little us time."

Oh, God. "Uhh, no," I said pushing her off of me.

She looked at me confused. "Wait what? You know what i'm saying right. I want to have sex. Like s-e-x sex," she explained.

"I know. And i'm saying no. I don't feel like banging the shit out of you. I don't think i'd ever bang the shit out of you."

Her mouth dropped open, "Excuse me?!"

"Well, maybe if I was drunk..." I was cut off as she slapped me in the face with a huff. My cheek stung and I was pissed. "Why'd you fucking slap me?!" I exclaimed.

"Cause you're a dick and you deserve it," she snapped before walking off to her group of friends.

I shook my head knowing the real reason I passed up skipping class for sex. Lena. And that fact, scared the hell out of me.


I sat at my usual table for lunch with Blake who was currently babbling about how he and Kat were back together again. She must be really good in bed for Blake to keep going back to her after all the crap she had done to him in the name of 'payback'. I mean, come on. She poured illegal pepper sauce on his nuts.

"Hello?" Blake said waving his hand in front of my face, "You alive man?"

"Sorry, I zoned out after you started talking about how many different positions you used in one night," I said rolling my eyes.

"I never said that," Blake replied in a wondering tone.

"Exactly. That translates to 'I wasn't listening'."

"Oh." Blake stared at me for a second, "What's wrong with you today? You haven't said one sexual thing in this whole conversation, which is about sex."

"Uhhh, tits or ass?" I replied with a smirk.

"Tits duh, and that's besides the point. What's with you? What are you thinking about so intently?" Blake leaned back taking a massive bite out of the greasy lunch line pizza he got.

I sighed, turning to face Blake. I remember when we first hung out in kindergarten. I had dropped my cookie on the floor of the bus and had given it to him since obviously I didn't want it. Later that day, after he had eaten it and found out it had been on the floor of the bus, he punched me in the face. Since then, we were life long friends. "I was offered morning sex and turned it down," I admitted.

Blake's jaw dropped, "No. Way. You are so lying dude."

"Nope. I'm telling the truth."

"Why would you pass that up? You're Steven. You'd never pass up morning sex," he exclaimed.

"I know, I know," I sighed.


I paused for a bit wondering if I should tell him. I decided I would, "A girl."

Blake's jaw dropped just like I knew it would, "Noooooo man. You are not getting hung up on a girl."

"Hey, don't judge man. You're hung up on Kat."

"Exactly! Being tied down to one girl takes away from the fun of life."

"Oh yeah. That's not what you were thinking when you talked about taking Kat to 'Bone City' just a few minutes ago."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I guess I don't really understand what I'm saying. Kat's different you know. She's special."

"Damn, you sound like one of those love struck idiots," I said throwing a french-fry at him.

"Well, so do you."

We sat in silence as we ate our lunch. More guys from the team joining us as the lunch period continued. I noticed Lena walk in alone. That's weird. Why is she alone? She's usually with Kat. That's when I noticed the tears in her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and tear stained and she them as she walked to sit by herself at a table in the far corner of the cafeteria.

Why is she crying? I stood up as soon as she sat down. She just sat there, staring at the table top. "What are you doing?" Blake asked.

"I'll be right back," I said, not answering his question. I began walking over to Lena's table, pushing through the crowd of students. As I neared her table I saw her look up and give a small smile. I smiled back until I realized she wasn't smiling at me. She was smiling at King Dick Face, or in other words Rush.

I stopped and watched as Rush walked over to her and said something, probably asking what's wrong, before leaning down and hugging her tightly, stroking her dark hair softly. I clenched and unclenched my fist as I watched. It took everything out of me not to run across the lunch room and strangle him to death. This kid was getting on my nerves. I have got to get rid of him somehow.

Shit. I am becoming one of those love struck idiots. I seriously need help.

So you guys think Steven is gonna change his ways?? XP Maybe he will and maybe he won't :))))) Tell me what ya think :D

Remember to enter in the Jock's Babysitter's fan fiction competition! :D Just pick your favorite chapter from TJB and rewrite it in a different characters POV. Send me via message:

1) The chapter you rewrote's number and who's POV it's in (Collab Chaps will be allowed if needed; not preferred but if you feel it works better, go for it!)

2) The rewritten chapter or a link to the rewritten chapter (if a link, please remember to say somewhere in the rendition "this chapter is based off of Mijansen's The Jock's Babysitter" just so people know not to plagiarize :P

All entries are due by 11/10/12 and the winner will be announced 11/13/12 :) Prizes include:

1) A chapter dedication in the Jock's Babysitter

2) A guest character that the winner and I will create together and decide how he/she will be placed in the story :)

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