Chapter 21- The Jock

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This chapter is dedicated to @Kyra_Keys26! I hope you feel better soon gurlyyyy!!!! Luv ya!

"Where the hell am I?" I groaned as I rolled over on the hard cold ground. I look down at myself. Holy shit. Am I naked? Why the hell am I naked, on the kitchen floor? Oh God, please don't tell me the Rapture happened while I was asleep and I was left alone naked to fend for myself! Please, God NO!

Geez, calm down you pussy. I shook my head wondering what the logical answer to this must be. Oh yeah! I got drunk at my party last night, the usual. And just for the record, I've woken up in worse situations than this. This is closer to the good side on a scale from 'weird' to 'I'm gonna get arrested if I don't get my ass out of here!'

Flashes of what happened last night ran through my head but one main occurrence that was stuck in my brain was telling everyone to get out of my damn house and then making out with some girl and then...

"Shit." I looked over my shoulder, praying my drunken memory was wrong, but of course, I was sadly...well...maybe not sadly disappointed. I mean, the girl was pretty hot. Well, of what I could see. Most of her body (well the parts I honestly cared about) were covered up by the dark blue tablecloth we must have pulled off of the table at some point during our wild adventures.

Her dark hair was splayed around her face. Her hair reminded me of Lena's, well before she dyed it. Lena. Where is she? If she walked in right now...God i'd need to run for the hills.

"Like the view?" the girl murmured, her eyes, a bright crystal blue, fluttering open with a laugh.

"Uhh..." I stammered, "I thought you were asleep."

"Ugh, Steven, I've been awake for like 2 hours. It's nearly noon," she smiled resting a hand on my bare chest. "You, surprisingly, slept like a baby. Even after the fun we had last night," she purred, looking me up and down hungrily.

"But i'm guessing it's because that fight you had," she commented before standing up and stretching.

"Wait, fight?" I asked as I watched her with confusion and interest all at the same time. How in the world could I not remember sleeping with this girl! She's so damn sexy! She wrapped the tablecloth around herself like a towel and walked over to the refrigerator, looking for something. As she was turned away, I jumped up and dug through a drawer looking for something to cover myself up with. I finally settled on one of my mom's old aprons, the only thing I could find that would wrap around my hips and cover up my assets, if you know what I mean.

"Yeah," she said turning around, holding two bottles of water. She tossed me one and I caught it expertly, drinking it in giant gulps. "You and some other guy from the team got in a fight over some blonde chick," she scowled, "She deserved to have her night ruined...called me a bitch."

The rest of the night came together like a puzzle. All the angry emotions I had felt before flooded back. The anger. Why did I give a shit where Lena was? She left me, Steven Jacobs, for Rush.

The rest of the night came together like a puzzle. All the emotions I had felt before flooded back. The anger. Why did I give a shit where Lena was? She left me, Steven Jacobs, for Rush.

I shook my head, "Whatever."

"Oh and Steven, It's Dawn."

"What?" I asked wondering what she was talking about.

"Dawn. It's my name, just so that you know. We didn't really get that far into details before we," she looked to the floor and back at me with a smirk, "You know."

"Oh?" I questioned seductively walking over to her, "And what exactly did we do?"

I didn't care anymore. Lena is stupid not to want me. I was stupid to even get so attached to her when I could have gotten any girl I wanted. Dawn is perfect, for now.

"Oh you know," she winked, "The usual."

"Well, I was pretty waisted. You mind reminding me?"

"With pleasure," she growled shoving her lips to mine.

It wasn't like kissing Lena, that's for sure. It was straight up lust on her side and built up anger on mine. I let all of my emotions out in that kiss, and what happened after.

You know what universe?

Do me a favor.

Let Lena open up that door right now. I want her to see. I want her to know I don't care about her, that she was wrong to think that I ever would. Huh. I can just imagine the look on her face.

I guess today was the day that the universe would actually answer my prayers because at that second... I heard the lock on the door click open.

Sooooo this chapter was kinda a filler :/ sry it's soooo short! I've been sick and haven't had time to write much...I pinky promise (the mother of all promises) that the next chapter is gonna be WAAAAAAAY longer than this one (most likely a collab chap) :P Hope you guys liked it anywayzzzz

And Dawn, yes, is going to become a regular character XP Boy do I have some plans with her ;)

Comment, Vote, know the dealio XP

Luv u allllll

xxx's, ooo's, and <33333333

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