Chapter 4

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Several years before Yugo's eventual escape from Oropo's tower, one of Yugo's many failed escape attempts, one of which he was caught by Oropo....

Yugo rushed down the small flight of stairs between the Osamodus room and the entrance room of the tower. "Almost... There." He mumbled quietly as he ran across the room towards the door, until his feet froze to the floor. "Oh, no no no...!" He exclaimed as he tried to free himself from the ice. He looked around "Harebourg you big jerk, unfreeze my feet!"

"Count Harebourg, Yugo, I'm a Count." The icy creep grumbled as he stepped out of the shadows, followed Oropo. "As I told you Oropo, I knew that he was going to try to escape."

Yugo hurriedly tried to free himself as Oropo floated over, but it was in vain, as Oropo grabbed Yugo by the front of his shirt. "You little brat." The Eliotrope angrily spat as he harshly yanked Yugo out of the ice and chucked the small Eliatrope boy as hard as the Eliotrope could into a wall on the other side of the room, as he hit the wall the was a sickening crack, as the small boy fell back to the ground, the dust cleared from the impact, it was revealed that there was a massive six foot long crack in the wall. Yugo could be seen, unconscious on the floor, a large scrape from the wall reaching from his wrist to his shoulder, and a small bit of bone poking out of his arm.

Oropo grabbed the unconscious boy, opened a portal and tossed him in. "Shouldn't you be worried that the scrap could get infected?" Harebourg asked "Not that I'm worried about the kid, but Dame Echo may get angry if she finds that you caused him to get an infected scrape and a broken arm, and caused her to have to treat it."

"He'll be fine."


"Yugo." Amalia spoke as she shook the young boy "Eva, he won't wake up."

Yugo shot up. Tiredly "I'm up!" He shouted then looked around, and took a shaky breath. "Right..." He mumbled as he sleepily stood. "Forgot... I escaped..."

"Are you alright?" Amalia asked, snapping Yugo back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." The small blond responded as he stretched a bit. "Just, y'know a bad dream." Everyone was quiet as Yugo stood there. "What?"

"You're.... Arm."

Yugo looked at his arm. "Oh hey, forgot 'bout that..." He muttered as he looked at his scar, which ran from his wrist to his shoulder. "It used to be a scrape from me being thrown into a wall, but then it got infected, and it scarred."

Dally blinked a few times as Eva spoke "You got thrown into a wall?"

"I was eight-ish, I tried to escape the guy who kidnapped me, but he caught me, so y'know, he threw me into a wall."

"He... Threw you, into a wall... When you were eight...?"

"Eight or nine, I don't really remember, I hit my head pretty hard that day...... And every other time He caught me trying to escape. I also got this scar..." Yugo lifted his shorts a bit, showing the rest of a long scar going from his ankle to just above his knee, " And this one, from him, at different times thought." He answered as he lifted his shirt showing a scar on his stomach that seemed to be from a stab wound. Amalia and Eva gasped as Yugo let his shirt fall back down to cover his stomach. "It's fine, it's all healed over now." Yugo shrugged as he picked up Skribble. "Hey, Skribble, can you please tell us where to go now?"

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