befriended | marauders + reader

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it was late into the night when the Marauders all sat in the common room thinking on what they're next prank should be.

"why is this getting harder than it needs to be!?" sirius wails out as he covers his face with his hands while sinking lower in his seat.

"maybe because we've done almost everything possible and maybe impossible for pranking?" peter questions as he messes with the sleeves of his sweater.

"we just need a concept and a protoype then we are all good!" james said as he jumps ontop of the couch with a wide grin on his face.

remus looks up at james with a raised eyebrow before he sighs deeply. "we need to make an algorithm before anything else." remus said as he looked towards all of them.

"ah, yes an algorithm." sirius says with a serious look on his face as he zones out. sirius then blinks slowly before he turns his attention towards remus. "what's an algorithm?" sirius says as he looks at remus confused.

"an algortihm is a step-by-step plan padfoot." remus explains.

"oh okay I get it now." sirius says as he nods his head slowly while wagging his finger in the air.

"marauders we have to set our mental set in the right place to think of this prank!" james says as he plops down onto the couch as he looks at the rest of the marauders with his well-known smile.

"well then let's get thinking boys," remus says as he pulls out a sheet of parchment paper and a quill to start writing down their ideas.

"well then let's get thinking boys," remus says as he pulls out a sheet of parchment paper and a quill to start writing down their ideas

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hearing a rather loud commotion downstairs in the common room, y/n wakes up from her slumber as she sits up on her bed.

"what time is it?" y/n mumbles to herself as she rubs her eyes trying to get rid of the remaining sleep.

looking at the clock on her night stand, y/n sees that the clock reads 3 AM. "what the bloody hell is waking me up at this time?" she says as she swings her legs to the aide of her bed before she makes her way out of her shared dormitory.

as she made her way down the stairs she could hear voices ㅡ rather loud voices yelling at one another over merlin knows what.

"for bloody sake sirius! we are not going to do that!" says a voice, patience running thin evident in their tone.

"but why not!? i think it would be a splendid idea to do." says another voice as they try to justify themselves.

"i don't think it's a good idea to go and dye mcgonagall's hair pink, padfoot." says a quiter voice compared to the first two.

"see wormtail gets it!" exclaims another voice.

"you guys are just party poopers that all." says the second voice with a huffed sound at the end.

finally walking down the last few steps of the stairs, y/n could see the infamous marauders sitting on the couches with frowns on their faces as they all looked at sirius who had his arms crossed and a rather large pout on his face.

a small giggle escapes her lips as she covers her mouth trying to cover the sound, but to no vail did it do her any sort of justice as they all turned their gaze towards her.

"oh, hello." james said as he looked at the girl with his well known smile.

"hello." y/n said with a small smile and a small wave of her hand.

"what are you doing up and snooping around?" sirius asked as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"i wouldn't be snooping around if I haven't been woken up by someone yelling bloody murder." y/n says as she gives sirius a sarcastic smile.

"oh." sirius says as he scratches the back of his head awkwardly.

"we are so sorry we've woken you up with how loud we were being." remus says as he looks towards y/n with an apologetic smile on his face.

"no, no it's okay. i'm glad I was woken up at the right time." y/n says as she makes her way towards the couch and sat in-between james and sirius.

"right time? what do you mean?" peter asks the girl with a confused look on his face.

"what i mean is i can help you guys with pranking." y/n says as she gives them a wide smile.

"you? pranking? why y/n i don't think i can talw you as a prankster." james said as he looked at y/n with a raised eyebrow as a teasing smile grew on his face.

"then who do you think was the one that cause peeves to become human for a week, acting like a cat, and the only sound to leave his mouth is a cat sound?" y/n asks as she leans back on the couch with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

sirius' and james' eyes both turned wide as they turned and face the girl between them. "that was you!?"

"the one and only," y/n said as she grinned in satisfaction as she finally has people to know who it was that pranked peeves.

"bloody hell I was wondering who that was." sirius said as he leaned back on the couch with a puff of air.

"well y/n I would like yo give you props for the prank truly did blow us away." remus says as he gives her a wide smile.

"thank you remy, it means a lot." y/n said as she gave him a warm smile.

a blush dusts over remus' face as he looks down at his hands before he looks back up to y/n with a shy smile on his face. "of course."

"y/n?" james asks as he looks at her with a curious gleam in his eyes.

"yes?" she says as she turns her attention towards him.

"would you like to help us plan this prank with us?" james says.

"oh merlin please let her say yes." peter whispers to himself as he places his hands in front of him.

y/n's grin widens as she looks at james. "I would gladly love to help you plan this prank."

"yes!" both peter and sirius says as they shoot up on their spots.

a laugh erupts out of y/n's mouth as she looks at the two.

"then let's get to planning." remus says as he reaches for the piece of parchment and his quill.

"actually I have a plan already and going off to what sirius was whining about earlier." y/n says shyly as she looks at all of them with a shy smile.

"are we dying someone's hair!?" sirius says with excitement as he looks at y/n with a wide smile.

"yes and it's not just anybody." y/n says as a smirk forms on her face as she looks at all four of the boys.

"that goodie two-shoes image you had going on for me y/n has totally vanished right now," james said as he looks at y/n with an amazed look on his face.

a small giggle leaves y/n lips before she leaned in and gestured for the boys in lean in closer towards her.

"so here's the plan." y/n says in a hushed tone.

let's just say once breakfast came along and everyone say headmaster dippet's multicolored hair that morning, y/n has been offical befriended by the marauders and became a fellow marauder as well.

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