what he loves most about you | marauders 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

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the way your eyes have this certain shine to them when you talk about the things you love the most about. it always captivate him in which makes him fall deeper for you.

how stubborn you can be! now, yes remus can be stubborn himself too, but when it comes to see who wins in the stubborn battle it is definitely you. he likes his you always stand your ground no matter what the person says or does to try and change your opinion.

how much of an active listener you are for when he wants to rant to you about a prank he just pulled with the other marauders ㅡ or simple recall a moment he shared with you ㅡ and rants about a situation that happened in the Black Household that truly had him fuming.

how carefree you are ㅡ sure not everyone tends to like it because some may see you as a reckless person but for Peter he loves it because you don't listen to what people tend to say about him to you, in which makes him feel grateful to have someone like you around Hogwarts.

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