Fate, Choice, and Control

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I seriously don't get this town.

That was all I could think when the frigid winter air slapped me as I stepped out of my tiny blue honda accord. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the brightness of light against the blinding snow. It had been snowing all night and about roughly three feet of snow blanketed the earth.

I slammed my car door, shaking off the little bits of snow that managed to remain on. Cammie hopped out of the other side and did the same, then she pulled up her purple knitted scarf so that it covered her cheeks.

"Nice day for school, huh Acacia?" she joked at me.

"I'm just glad this dumb old high school's got a furnace." I replied slinging my bag around my shoulder. My leather jacket wasn't doing much good.

I stepped over snow, creating prints, finding old prints, hunting my way through the parking lot trying to manage to keep my socks dry. As I reached the door, I could see the groups of students inside the foyer beside the multipurpose room.

Cammie and I opened the door to be welcomed with a burst of warm air, I shut the door quickly and we both began to strip of our mits and scarves. We stomped our boots and walked down the hall.

"You know what would be, legitimatly cool? If we got snowed in!" There she went again, answering her own questions.

"No. That would be, legitimatly stupid," I mocked her. Her lips formed a straight line, and her rosy cheeks and brunette curls made her look like a toddler with a tantrum.

"Your so uptight Cashew." that was the name she called me when I pissed her off.

The child tantrum wore off as we walked past people and lockers, upstairs to our own. I opened my lock and threw my bag and jacket into my locker, then walked over to Cammie's locker where she hadn't even opened it yet.

"Need some help with that?" I laughed. She looked up at me in defeat, and stepped aside as I quickly turned the dial to her combination and the lock snapped open.

"Thanks" she slowly took her jacket off after putting her bag and books in, and I took a brief look in her mirror to make sure the snow hadn't messed up anything.

Nope. Same old dark brown hair that was lightly curled today, same old tanned olive skin, and my eyes were almost black. But secretly, I knew they were brown.

I turned around to find Cammie had finaly finished putting her crap away. She slammed her door shut and cringed at the echoe, people looked at us in the halls. But we didn't care. We were just a couple of careless grade elevens.

We walked back downstairs, the white (now yellow-ish from past years) walls were covered in posters about some winter formal and bake sale. As we cornered, we passed a giant group of grade eights. It's like they remained in those groups to stay protected. I know in grade eight we stood in little groups.. of like.. 4 or 5. They blocked up the entire hallway with a group of 15. It was the only thing a grade twelve guy at Kerith Roan Secondary could do was plow through them and swear at the poor kids.

We dogded the giant group of twinkies, and met up with a few of our friends in the common room. I was glad too, it was hard to adjust my sweater while we were walking, and the low v line was bugging me. I pulled my tank top higher and looked up to see Megan looking at me.

"Keep them cookies in the jar Acacia." her blue eyes winked at me.

"Keep those watermelon's in the bag Megan" I laughed back at her. This was an on-going joke between her and I. She had size D boobs, I could of sworn, they were gigantic. Everytime we hugged she practicly broke my back. Where as I, had a lovely small set that I wish would grow more, but I was pleased with.

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