Capítulo Uno

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Picture above if you need some help imagining her braids


Welcome to Daily Pop! I'm Morgane Stephens and coming in as today's hot topic is Lily Milton, CEO of the iconic and designer brand Jacayl, has just announced that her new spring line will hit the NYFW runway! Omg guys can you believe that! She's been –

I flicked the television off and threw the remote on my sectional, where all types of things lay also. For someone so organized at work my home is a gutter. I glanced at my Rolex (a celebratory gift I bought for being instated into the FBI) and smiled.


Yes! I had time to get an iced coffee and still be at the blacksite in time! I grabbed my keys, threw them in my purse and quickly exited my home whilst triple checking that I locked everything. My building fortunately came with a parking garage and I was soon in my car and flying down the Manhattan streets.

As my heels stepped over the threshold of my favorite coffee place, my work phone shouted indicating a call.

"Whats up Austin." I smiled at the nickname I gave him. My partner SSA Agent Aali Asmasi was a longtime partner and friend of mine who I ironically dubbed 'Austin' because of the popular Disney show; and because his name was pronounced like Ally.

"Always with the jokes, huh Amor?"

"When haven't I came with the jokes?" I grabbed my iced coffee from Dan, my favorite barista and mouthed a 'thank you' while walking back to my car.

"I wont even answer that. Where are you? You know Director Williams has that case for us."

I glanced at my watch again before taking a sip of the cold drink. 7:49.

"Austin it's barely 8 am. I'm like 10 minutes away. What's the rush? Did Williams say anything?"

The stoplight flashed green and the FBI field office shined in all its glory 5 blocks away.

"Apparently it's a serial killer. High title too. I-"

"Ma'am what's the nature of your visit?" The security guard stared me down as my car came to a halt in front of the Field Office security booth however, I wasn't phased in the slightest.

"Austin hold a minute"

"SSA Agent Amor Belmar for Division 12 ." I flipped open my badge for proof of ID. The white divider slowly raised and my car lurched forward.

"Hey Austin. I'm pulling in FO now. I should be there in 20." I hung up and swerved into the allotted 'spot' for Division 12 agents and parked. From under the passenger's chair, I retrieved my 9mm handgun, loaded it and placed it in the small of my back, concealing it from the world. With protection on hand, I stepped out of my car, discarded my iced coffee container and walked through the main lobby heading for the back of the FO building.

There a black unregistered vehicle awaited. Perfect. They keys were already in the ignition. With my purse, gun and excitement for the day strapped, I sped out the black back gates and soon arrived to my main place of work, The Blacksite.


"Well look who decided to show up." SSA Agent Delilah Abrams rolled her eyes and leaned onto her desk, which happened to be adjacent to mine.

"Good Morning to you too Delilah. I love that we exchange such kinds words in the morning." I rest my purse on my desk and shifted to lean on it also. The action resulted in cold, rigid feeling of my gun being pressed into my spine. It gave me the familiar feeling of security.

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