life beyond expectations

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An introvert, studious, fragile and emphatic. These were the in dept things I thought I will acquire all through the mess of my life.
But one day a swizziling breeze of despair eroded my ability of those inability.

I have thought I will never gain a transformation worth a new life again. Like a snake shading its skin, with each hard weather my all these qualities shaded away.

But as I recall these transformation I feel it is worth the changed. I have started to accept things the way they are. My inner values have become a great playground for my own thoughts through which embryo of daily good thoughts would germinate. I have understood how to treat to the species of deformed homo sapians in a broader way. I came to know how people will take advantage of our own innocence and never feel sorry for that.

So standing admits the built of my own life I feel a great strength of satisfaction.

It is so that we should never let our idea to be stolen by the words of others. Sometimes people criticise on our ideas,works and lot more things but never should we get demotivated by their words, they are trying to steal our idea through the words that distracts us.

Positivity is the root of all things in life. Don't limit the boundary of friendship with anyone in life. Be it druggist, alcoholics, spoiled brat, be with them try to ignite them with the words of positivity but don't change your seat. Be on your own seat and help them to rise from darkness.

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