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Next day Shivaay woke up first and saw her mummering in sleep

"I... can't leave him....c... can't.... Please don't do this Pinky aunty", she mummered

"Mom...why she is taking her name", he thought and patted her cheeks

"Anika Anika Wake up... Anika", he said

"Anika", he said loudly and Anika woke up with jerk

She saw here and there then Shivaay. Seeing him beside her she hugged him tightly

"Shivaay don't leave me ever please", she mummered being frightened

"Anika shhh don't be scared it was bad dream I am with you and I will never leave you ok", he said while stroking her hairs lovingly

"Hmm ok Shivaay but....I...I....can't do that", she said while crying

"W..what Anika don't be scared", he said and wiped her tears

"Aacha tell me are you scared from anything", asked Anika

"N..no I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi and whole world is scared from me..I am a king😁",he said and smiled

Anika smiled while looking at her tadibaaz bagadbilla. He is still same but if she will leave him he may change

" Shivaay but is it same when I will not be there I mean what if I went somewhere or I ...am missing or...I am d.",

"Shhh stop saying rubbish", he said while putting his finger on her mouth

"Don't you dare to say that again", he said and hugged her

"You mean you are scared to loose me right", she asked and he nodded

"Yes I and I admit that don't you dare to think about this again", he said caressed her hairs

"Aare sorry baba. Aacha did you ate medines", she asked

"Ohh sorry I forgot...", He said while rubbing his hand on his hairs looking down

"Why you always forget this Shivaay. I won't be always here for you", she said angrily

"Aare calm down. I always forget things nowadays because I know you are there to remind me and I am happy with it . Also I confess this too that I am dependent on you", he said lovingly

Then he remembered that again she told about her leaving him

"Ok so please don't say a word more about this I just hate this word . Why are you behind this that someday you will leave me han...", He said angrily

"S...sorry Shivaay just one question more", she asked

"Hmm ask but this should not include leaving word", he said coldly

"H...hmm. Ok.." , she said

"shivaay what if someday I became selfish what will your do and what should I do... I mean what if I chooses my happiness which will hurt you.. I mean what if someday ..", She asked

He interrupted her

"If your happiness in hurting me by leaving me then it's a big no and if your happiness lies with me and you will be there to support me then you can turn selfish ", he said and winked towards her

Anika smiled

"Aare I will not leave you ever baba but Shivaay is there any truth which can break you", she asked

"No Anika ..but ya if there is and I am unaware then you will be there to support me otherwise I don't know how will I react ", he said and left

He felt something fishy in her behaviour before but now it's confirmed that there is something big

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