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❤️ thanks for all those comments and votes it mean a lot. By the way last chapter was having largest number of votes as compared with previous ones

"A... and about you... I hated Anika that's why I did that... She was coming between us... You were giving your time to her rather than me",shouted Pinky angrily at top of her voice

"Stop shouting it's enough now", shouted Shakti in loud voice.... She crossed her limits now...

"Can't believe that you can stoop so low..I am feel ashamed to call you as my wife.", Shouted Shakti angrily while pointing his hand towards her

"But how do you know about the truth Shivaay", asked Anika being confused

"It's a long story Anika but in short I got to know everything by seeing CCTV footages", he said angrily glaring Pinky

His eyes were red not only because of anger another reason was hurt. He was deeply hurt from her behaviour. He never thought that his mother can stoop so low

"Huhh the mother whom I loved... Called me illegitimate", taunted Shivaay with a chuckle

"I am impressed that Nayantara came because of you... Everything was damn your plan... From Mahi to this... This blackmailing thing",shouted Shivaay from top of his voice and throwed flower vase

He came towards Pinky. His eyes were having anger and tears at the same time

"You destroyed my childhood.... Mom.... You destroyed that innocence.... Which I had when I was a child..  you never taught me manners.... Y..you never told me how to behave with strangers and especially with girls", said Shivaay in cranking voice. With every word he was breaking. He was saying these lines eyeing Anika

"And now you made ... A mother relation just a part of your plan or..  a game... Well played Mrs Oberoi",he said and fell down with a thud.

Seeing him Anika came towards him and holded him

"Stop it.... Just leave this matter here only", shouted Anika while crying

"Please don't break like this Shivaay", cried Anika and hugged him

"N.. No Anika I want to confront her", said like a child and got up with her support

"She... She Made Mother son relation just a deal... S.. she is a black spot in the name of mother",he complained like a child having tears in his eyes

"Shivaay", cried Anika seeing him weak

"Aare these... My cousin's were much better than her... Atleast they completed every duty of a brother but she.... Never completed even one duty... She just imagined me as a robot and a money machine", he complained Anika whereas she shooked her head while tears were nonstop flowing from their eyes

Omru wanted to stop him but at the same time they wanted Shivaay to confront Pinky.

Omru ran towards him and engulfed him into hug

"Shivaay shh .. be strong Shivaay", said Om giving him strength
He patted his back and said "dil bole"

Whereas Shivaay asked Mahi to join them

"Come here Mahi even you are our brother", he called him softly whereas Mahi was totally shocked . He didn't expected this much change in him after 1 truth . He looked towards Omru because he thought maybe they will not like him

"Aare Mahi Bhaiya come fast nahh otherwise obro moment will finish", said Rudra in childish tone whereas shivom smiled

Mahi ran towards them with tears and engulfed then in hug

"Dil bole", said Om

"Oberois", said shivomru and Mahi together

"Shivaay Bhaiya I can't live in this house... I hate her now... Huhh kamini maa was much better than this type of mother", he said while pointing finger towards her

"Anika go and pack your bags.... And it's my final decision I won't rethink about it... ", He said coldly when Pinky was about to interrupt

"Dadi don't throw her out... It will destroy our image... We are leaving. I will contact with you all except some strangers", he said in his cold voice and left from there like old SSO who was heartless and emotionless

Pinky was going to follow him when dadi stopped her

"Don't you dare to follow him. Atleast let him leave peacefully now after today's drama",said dadi angrily

"And yes you were ponting finger at Anika right that she was middle class trash .. so tell me what you were.. a middle class boy" said dadi while her eyes were red due to anger

"Aare dadi she don't even know how to talk in English properly...  Haha ohh my mata rather than ohh my God like seriously", laughed Shakti at her whereas Pinky felt bad.

"Felt bad right.... Then just think about Anika how much she beared your taunts...  Anyways if Shivaay told you to life here you can but without any luxury..I don't want any argument", said Shakti angrily and left from there leaving Pinky in shock


"Shivaay we can live happily here", said Anika who was trying to make him realise his decision of leaving mansion was wrong

"Really tell me atleast one say when you didn't cried... When she didn't taunted you", he asked whereas Anika looked down because she knew that there was not even one day when she didn't cried... When she didn't heard taunts

"None right then keep quiet", he said sternly while packing bags

After sometime he finished his packing. He went towards table and picked their couple photograph .

"It's most important thing", he teased her with a smile whereas she smiled back

Before leaving he touched everything of his room like coffee machine, bed, table, mirror flower vase, pool, tree everything with tears

He came out of his room and a tear drop fell from his eye when he touched door of their room ... Which contained many memories their Obros moment, shivika moment's, his anger, his care towards his room

"Shivaay you can rethink about your decision", said Anika when she saw him in pain... She didn't wanted him to leave this house for her

"It's my final decision", he said and left from their picking up bags

Shivaay and Anika came in hall they hugged everyone except Pinky

"Shivaay don't Leave...mummy ji why are you silent stop him nahh", said Pinky while crying

"It's their decision I will not stop him... Shivaay start your new life with your wife happy journey", blessed dadi

Shivaay smiled at her because they talked about his decision before

"We will miss you... We will come and meet you soon", said Om

"Yes ... Don't forget us you both", said Rudra glaring Shivaay and Mahi

"Vese bhabhi isn't it difficult to differentiate between Shivaay and Mahi...", Asked Rudra while trying hard to control his laugh

"I can sense him", she told looking in his eyes whereas he smiled

"But for me it is difficult... Voice and face same", pouted Rudra making a sad face

"But language is different nahh", said Mahi and did his logic wala sign

"Don't copy me", said Rudra in fake anger

Shivaay hugged Rudra and controlled his urge to cry.. he will miss these vute moments and teasings

Pinky was trying to interrupt them but he royally ignored her

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