The world is falling

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A dark day overshadowed by its own achievements

the onlookers watched as the stage lights flickered to life unaware of the truth hidden deep beneath the hard earth they stood on

the man began waltzing about the recently constructied wood platform that would be gone as soon as it appeared

he spoke not only to the large crowd he so skillfully baited but to himself "its foolproof" he thought

"now now" his voice billowed from the speakers "I have a plan... one to change the world..... forever "

that last word never meant much before

The crowd screamed for more, this man was a genius, biggest tech manufacturer in the city normally he went on about his newest phone or some computer thats name is worth more then it abilities

but not today...

chapter one


He looks at the crowd and smiles" looks like my job here is don-"

It truly was

In less than a second blood splattered on the stage seeping in too the poorly sealed wood

He fell as the crowd ran in panicked fury

The attacker walked off stage almost unnoticed... almost

she was a detective working freelance with long brown hair and more than an impressive body standing amongst the crowd but probably not the only one with a weapon

Swiftly boring of the mans honeyed words she squeezed between the human wall or at least tried too get to the restroom

Yet then disaster struck

She watched as the attacker plunged a dagger into the back of the mans neck severing his spine immediately

She took action and raced to the staircase barely noticing the warm drops of urine that slipped out into her panties

She reached the stage only to see the murderer duck behind the curtains

She sprinted after them with another spirt of urine leaking out

As soon as she rounded the corner the murderer grabbed her in a choke hold, bolting into action she flipped them over her head and on to the ground her bladder bulging crying for release.

He hit the boards with a thud and quickly stood back up pointing the knife at her, she in response pulled her own weapon as a matter of reflex she stood holding the stub nose revolver, adrenaline coursing through her...and with urine running freely down her legs

The murderer stood shocked for a moment, and that was the last mistake he made as she put a round in has forehead

She relaxed a bit as her muscles loosened so did her bowels pushing a warm soft mass into her already saturated panties

She reached to feel the extent of the damages touching the seat of her pants and squishing the mess against her body by accident "shit" she murmured to herself both figuratively and literally.

Swiftly brushing aside her own pride she marched forward toward the body hoping the stains and smells aren't too clear. She squatted down rubbing the mess against her body and rummaged through the corpses pockets finding two daggers near identical to the one it was holding , and a match box Then she stood up and hurried to her car. It was a rundown suv with plenty of scratches and dings she took a seat feeling the warm mess of her shame

The world is falling rewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now