Chill Day

658 11 2

 Prod POV

I came out of the bathroom with my boxers on and my towel in hand. I walked back into Tianas room and heard her still in the shower. So i walked over to my bag and pulled out what i was gonna wear and put it on. ( On the side ]  After i finished putting my shirt on i heard the shower turn off. I went to tianas bed and layed down with my hand behind my head. She came out wrapped in a towel with her hair dripping wet. I bit my lip , while starring into her eyes. She smirked. "Looks like somebody likes what they see". She teased. I smirked . "Dam straight." She chuckled and walked over to her walk-in closet to pull out what she was gonna wear then came back and sat on the edge of the bed still wrapped in her towel. "Whatchu wanna do today?" she asked while furrowing her eyebrows. "I think we should juss chill today...whatchu wanna do?" I asked. "Ehhh , Chillin sounds like a plan to me." she said before walking back in her closet and coming back already changed. ( On the side ]  After she changed she went in her bathroom and towel dried her hair and put some type of hair lotion in  it and put it up.

Tiana POV

After i changed i went and did my hair which was a nice tight high bun.  After i finished my hair i turned to Prod who was watching my every move. I started to feel uncomfortable. I guess he realised that he was making me feel like that by the way he looked away and let out a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck. "You okay?" i asked while walking over to him and sitting at the edge of the bed. "Why you sitting over there?" he asked. "i don't know." i said looking around. "Come ere " . he said while opening his arms . I went over to were he was . and he grabbed my hands and pulled me to him and had me straddle him. We starred into each others eyes until i broke the silence.- " Soooo.. what now?" i asked . "well i don't know about you but I'm liking this position " prod said while smirking and rubbing my thighs. I smirked and decided to tease him a little. I leaned over to his ear and whispered "Oh really?" . And started kissing up and down his neck. His breathing started to get un-even while he laid his head back on the headboard. It didn't take me long to find his spot. And once i found it i licked,sucked,and bit on it. He couldn't stop groaning , and moaning my name. I smirked on his neck and kept going ; until i felt something on my leg. I stopped and looked down and saw a bulge in prods pants. I covered my mouth and started laughing. Prod realized i stopped and opened his eyes and looked at me funny. "Whats so funny?" he asked . I kept laughing and pointed to his pants and rolled off him and to the side of the bed and continued laughing.Prod now embarrassed jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes and me calming down from laughing so hard , prod came out with a " -__-" face. "Why the face?" i asked while smiling. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" he said and sat next me on the bed. "I don't know what your talking about". I innocently shrugged while looking away. Within .2 seconds prod picked me up and threw me on the top of the bed. My face was like this " O.O" He climbed on the bed and crawled on top of me . He pinned my arms above my head so looks like I'm not getting out of this anytime soon. "wh-wh-whaat arr--" i started to say but gco by Travis walking in the door. "Mommy..Dawdy?" Travis's baby voice asked from the door. Me and prod just looked at each other then back at him then at each other then at the way prod was pinning me to the bed and came back to reality. Prod let my wrists go and got off me while i sat up and got off the bed. "whats wrong baby?" i asked Travis while i picked him up putting him on my hip. "noting..i wa bowed." (Bored) "awww" i said . 'Why don't we go and play some video games in the game room?"i asked him. "YEAAH!!!" he screamed of joy. "Dawdy u come?" he asked while looking at Prod. "Yeah daddy come." Prod said smiling while following me to the game room. When we went in there i didn't really play the games they were playing. I just watched while Travis beat prod in Madden 012. Yeah my sons at beast at that game ; wonder were he gets it from :D> . While they were doing that the door bell rung down stairs. "I'll get it". i said after prod was about to get up. I walked down the steps and looked through the peep hole and saw a light skinned woman , looked to be around my age , long curly hair , with big sunglasses.  She was wearing a black tank top with a black leather jacket , black skinny jeans , and black combat boots. Whats up with the all black? I opened the door and her smile went to an evil smirk. "Hi how may i help you?" i asked politely. "Hi my name is Renae , my car broke down and i was wondering if i could come in and use your phone to call someone , my phone is dead?" .


Hey Everybody! Sorry i havent updated in 2 months! :(  My laptop got messed up and my mom took forever to get it fixed! I tried doing it on my phone but it kept getting messed up and erasing EVERYTHING -___- so now that my laptops fixed i will be updating as much as i can. Especially on weekends.

So who is Renae?

Doesn't that name sound familiar? ( Prods phone call)

Is her car REALLY broke down?Or is she "BS"ing!

Will tiana let her in or turn her down?

Find out in the next update! Good bye :) <3

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