Meet up...

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( Still Tiana POV)

I get up to go see whose at my door. I look threw the peep whole and see a man with a blue uniform shirt khaki long pants and a blue hat. He was carrying flowers.

I open the door and he looks at me and smiles. "Hi , I have a Delivery for a Tiana Williams", He says. " Uhm , Thats me but who are they From?" "Im sorry ma'am I dont

ask who sends them , im just the delivery guy , here you go". He hands me the vase of red roses and leaves without another word. "Rude much". I slam the door closed and lock it.

I take the vase of roses and set them on the table next to my front door. I search the flowers for a card and with no luck---Found It!!!. I open the card and it has red cursive writing in it ...

" I dont know if anybody told you this today but Good Morning Beautiful , I hope you Slept well ;) " ....... WTF O.o Who tf sent me flowers askin if i slept well?? & they didnt even put a name.

hmmm...maybe it was prod and he forgot to put his name. Yeah. Thats it. But why didnt he put his name? Prod would never forget something like that. Oh well , maybe im just bein paranoid..uhhhh!!

I leave the flowers and go upstairs to wake up travis because i need to get him ready so i can get ready to go and meet prod. [ i just reealized i didnt put a date on the letter of when he wants to meet

her so lets just say he said to meet her that day . okay?k :) ] I walk in travis's room and gently shake him. " wake up baby , its time to get up". He stirrs a little but doesnt fully wake up. *sigh* i pick him

up and take him to his bathroom and take off his pajamas and put him in the bath and give him a bath. After im done i put his clothes on him and left his hair out and curly. (on the side) After i put his clothes on him i brushed his teeth

and put him on his bed and turned on the tv so he wouldnt get bored. " mommys gonna make you breakfast when she's done getting ready okay?" "ok mama" he said in his cute baby voice. i smiled and left his

room and went to my room. I went straight to the shower and took a 25 min shower. i stepped out and put deoderant on and lotioned up. Then i wrapped my towel around me and went in my closet to see what iwanted to wear.

After i decided i put it on (on the side but her hair is black not blonde) I love my style ;) . Before i left my room i grabbed my iphone off the charger my wallet and sunglasses and headed to travis's room. i went in and he was watching spongebob. " Come on baby , lets go make some breakfast " . " Okay" , he said. I turned the t.v. off and we headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I put all my stuff down on the table and went to the cabinets. " what do you want for breakfast?" " uhm....ceweal" . " what kind?" ".....CAPN CWUNCH!!!" He yelled. I chuckled. "okay calm down , go sit at the table and ill bring it to you.

( Narrartors POV )

So after breakfast Tiana and her son travis left in her 2012 black charger srt8 and went to the park since it was around 11:30 am . it was still early and she didnt have to meet Prod until 3 pm. So her and Travis played at the park up until 2:30 . Then Tiana left and took Travis to McDonalds to get some lunch before the meet up. After they ate it was 2:58 pm. So Tiana headed to starbucks.

( Prods POV )

*Sigh heavily* I run my hands through my mohawk as i the nervousness in me builds up. I really hope she got my letter and decides to come and see me. I really do miss her. And i want to meet my son. I never seen him before.And i dont want to miss anymore of his life. Its bad enough i wasnt there the first 2 years of his life. I juss hope he doesnt hate me. I hope him and Tiana give me a chance. I wanna start over with Tiana and be apart of there family like i should be. I made a big mistake letting her go and Im not making that mistake again. Whatever it takes, i will have her back. And i will be in my sons life. I look out the window and see a nice black charger srt8 pull up and park. Then i see Tiana..after 2 years come out and go to her back seat and take my son out. God she looks beautiful. And my son. He looks just like me. The only thing he has of tiana is her light caramel skin and thick curly hair. She locks the car and grabs his hand and walks up to the door .

( Tianas POV )

I Pull up to Starbucks and park my car. I get out and go get travis. I lock my car grab his hand and walk up to the front door of starbucks. "Ma why are we hewe?" travis says. " Were gonna meet one of my...uhhh...old friends." i say. I dont want to tell Travis that were meeting his dad. Because i dont know how he would react. He doesnt know his father all he knows is that he has a father. i plan on telling him once i know Prod is actually going to make an effort and try to bein his life. I dont want to get his hopes up and tell him his dad is going to be there for him and he gets disappointed. We walk in and i begin to look around for Prod until I look , and in the far back ..there he starring at him and he's starring right back at me with the dark brown eyes i used to love. A knot begins to form in my stomach as i head to the back with travis right nect to me. I stop only a few centimeters away from him and we just stare at eachother until travis breaks the silence. "Who's he ma?" . We both look down at travis becuase for some reason when we were starring at each other we both forgot his presence next to us. "Oh , this is mommys old friend ". When Prod heard me say "Old friend" his face went into a frown. What did he want me to say? "oh baby this is your father that you've never met'. Tf?NO. I sat infront of Prod and put travis on my lap. "Hey little man" Prod says. " hi" says travis in his shy voice. " Hey Tiana". he then says, looking at me with a slight smile. "Hi Prod." i then say and return the smile. "So how have you been?" Prod asks. *i sigh* "I've been good. , taking care of travis , living my life . How about you?" "Ive been good as well" " i was actually looking at some houses over here becuase im planning on moving from LA to over here." He says. My mouth drops to the floor. "Y-YY-OUR PLANNING ON MO-V-V-VING over Here!? i studdered. "Oh yeah , im getting tired of LA , Plus i need to move closer to my family soon i can take care of them. I then put my head down and smiled to myself. Prod then picked my head up and said " You wouldnt mind if i moved over here would you?" he asked while gazing into my eyes. i shook my head no and smiled. He smiled to. He then turned his attention to Travis. " So how old are you little man?" Travis put 2 fingers up and said "twwo". "Oh thats whats up" . So after me and Prod talked for a little while longer we decided to exchange numbers and hang out more. I even gave him my address so he could come and chill with travis and me some days so he wouldnt be in his boring cousin's house.The reason hes at his cousins house is because he didnt find a house he wanted yet. So i drove home with travis asleep in his back car seat. It was 5:31 pm. Dam. I didnt know we talked that long. I pulled in my drive way and parked [ A/N she lives in a big house almost like a town house and she has a big driveway and a pool in the back. ill post a pic] I got out and went and unbuckled travis and took him out of his carseat. I closed the car door and locked my car with travis sleeping in my arms. I walked up my driveway and onto my porch. I unlocked the door and steped inside. Something didnt seem right. I Knew it the minuste i stepped in but i just couldnt put my finger on it. I walked up stairs and put travis in his bed. I kissed his forehead and tucked him in. I left and closed the door slightly. I went downstiars to investigate as to why someething juat didnt feel right. Idk what it was . As im investigating i notice a vase . the exact vase i left by the door earlier was now on the floor. Tf? I go to Pick it up And when i pick it up , i end up smelling it as i pick it up and after i smelt it i slowly start to go out of conciousess and soon everything goes black.


I juss had to put another chapter up in the same night :) i had the whole idea in my head && i didnt wanna lose it !

O.O I wonder what happend to tiana?

how did the flowers get on the floor???

Please comment . vote. something! do something so i know that people are actually reading so i can continue! :( Please and thankyou :) <3

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