Emiva and Tepig take the stage! Juniper's Debut!

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Previously: "Hey don't forget about me, Bianca since you beat Cheren I'll be battling you now and I do not plan on losing."
I say as I point at Bianca.
"Well then let's go!" Bianca cheered!

"Okay trainers take your sides" My mother declares

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"Okay trainers take your sides" My mother declares.
"Got it, Tepig and I are ready for this" I say confidently
"Tep-Tepig-Tepig!" Tepig cried with excitement
"Alright battle begin!" My mother yells as both Bianca and I think of an attack!

"I'm not gunna let you win this Emiva! Snivy use attract!" Bianca commands and Snivy spins and does a wink that causes many tiny hearts to be sent towards Tepig!

"Tepig quick try and dodge them!" I say with a hint of panic as I remember what happened once attract connected with Oshawott.
Tepig dodges the first and second hearts but it trips over a rock and falls on it's stomach!

"Tepig quick get up!" I cried but to no avail the hearts began to surround Tepig....

Only for nothing to happen to it.

"Wha?!" Bianca yelled.
"Tep, Tepig?" The Pokémon cried in confusion
"Hey wait, if the move didn't work that means both of them are the same gender." I say matter of factly
"But how can we tell what gender they are? None of us have a Pokédex." Bianca stated.
"Good point, do you still wanna continue Bee?" I ask Bianca.
"Hee hee you don't even have to ask, Snivy let's win this!" Bianca says as she lifts her arm up into the air and then brings it back down to her chest and clenches her fist.

"Alright then, that's what I'm talking about! Tepig use Ember on Snivy!" I say as I point towards Snivy.
"Tepig, Tepig, tepppig!" It cries as it snorted out embers from it's nose directed toward Snivy!
"I don't think so! Snivy dodge it quick!" Bianca called out to Snivy.
Snivy goes to the right but doesn't dodge the attack fully as a few of the embers hit Snivy's side.
"Sni, Snivy!" the grass snake cried wincing as it goes to stand up.
"Alright Tepig this is it! Quick, use tackle!" I command
"Quick Snivy dodge their attack!" Bianca cried but to no avail as Tepig hits Snivy full force sending it backwards until it finally stops rolling.
"Oh dear no!" Bianca says as she runs towards her Snivy to make sure it's okay.
"Sni, vy, vy." It cried as it layed on the ground
"Snivy is unable to battle! Therefore Tepig and Emiva are the winners!" My mother declared as she points toward Tepig and I.
"Yes we won, we won Tepig we did it" I cried as I went and picked Tepig up and spun around with it in my arms!
"Tep, Tepig, Tep" my Pokémon cried.

"Bianca is Snivy okay?" Cheren asks as he runs over to where Bianca and Snivy are.
"Yes but the poor dear is worn out, oh if only I had a Oran berry." Bianca said in defeat.
"Well look no further, I have one" a lady with a white lab coat and light brown hair walks up to Bianca and Cheren with said berry in hand.
"Why yes I am, but let's get Snivy healed first before any further introductions are made" Juniper said.

Juniper gives Bianca the Oran berry to give to Snivy.
"Hey Snivy, please eat this." Bianca says as she inches the berry to Snivy.
"Sni, Sni, Sni, Vy! Vy, Snivy!" Snivy finishes the berry and jumps around fully restored.
"Thank goodness Snivy is okay!" I say as I run up to Bianca
"Snivy hehe you're okay!" Bianca says as Snivy jumps into her arms and gives Snivy a heartfelt embrace.

"Now that Snivy is well taken care of I'd like to properly introduce myself, I'm Professor Juniper. It's very nice to meet you all! She greeted with a smile.

"Hi! I'm Emiva and these two are-"

"Bianca and Cheren, am I right?" Juniper says.

"How did you-" I started but Professor Juniper answered my question without me even finishing.

"I watched everything that happened! So I heard the names and put them to faces. Emiva you've grown so much since I've last saw you." Juniper said.

"Yeah, I have." I reply sheepishly.

"Anne, it's been a long time. Your daughter is now a beautiful young woman and has made amazing friends." Juniper says to my mom.

"Oh June that's so sweet of you to say, And yes it has been a long time dear friend." My mother and Professor Juniper share a hug and then they turn to the three of us.

"Okay everyone listen up, you're all trainers now. Which means you all get to go and explore the world of Pokémon! But, not without these." Professor Juniper smiles as she takes out 3 Pokédexs. One for each of us!

"Oh wow this is so exciting!"
"Bianca I couldn't agree more."
"Same here, YEAH! I can't wait to challenge the league."

"Hold on there you three, first you have to promise me something. Promise to be careful and cautious. Be kind to your Pokémon and always make sure that you work together as one, agreed?" Juniper asks.

"We agree to all three!" We said in unison.

"Wait hold on I have something for you guys, let me go get them." My mom says as she goes back inside the house, after a few minutes she comes back outside with papers I believe.

"Mom what are those?" I ask her.
"Sweetie these are town maps, just in case your Xtranseivers don't have any service. It's always good to have a map on you." My mother says as she nods her head.

"I definitely agree, alright you three make sure you have everything you need for your journeys." Juniper warned.

"Okay, hey guys why don't we all meet up at the route 1 entrance tomorrow?" Bianca says to Cheren and I

"That's a good idea, we can all take our first steps as trainers together." Cheren says.

"That'd be so awesome! Okay guys let's meet up early tomorrow morning." I say with a smile

"Yeah!" Cheren and Bianca say in unison.

"I'll see you three tomorrow morning before you're off, get some rest!" Professor Juniper says and walks right to her laboratory.
Cheren and Bianca head home so my mother and I head upstairs to my room and we begin to go through some things I should bring with me on my journey.
Berries, Pokémon food for Tepig, two extra outfits along with underwear and etc.
Once we finished I got into bed and my mother looked down at me.
"Ah, I remember it was only yesterday you were brought into this world to think you're growing up so fast and are now going to start your own journey." My mom starts to cry a little bit I get up and hug her immediately
"Mom, you're one of the best mothers a daughter could ever have. Thank you so much for everything." And for a while we stayed like that, embracing each other and enjoying what we had which was each other.
A few moments later my mom gets out of the hug but she grabs both of my hands and tells me "Emiva Addison, I'm so proud of the young woman I raised. I know you're going to accomplish everything you set your mind too my dear." She says that and kisses my forehead and hugs me once again. After a moment she lets me go and says goodnight to me as she goes downstairs.

A couple of minutes pass and I decide I should bring Tepig out. I reach for it's Pokéball and say "Hey Tepig come on out!" I thrust it into the air and a ball of light forms until Tepig emerges.
"Tep, Tepig, Tep." My starter cried! Happy to be out of the ball.
"Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day Tepig, I can't believe we're going on a journey together. We're gunna make so many memories and most of all we're going to be champions!" I said excitedly to my Pokémon as it wags it's tail with a ball at the end, crying it's name in a excited tone just like me! "Awww Tepig come over here you cute fireball." I grab Tepig and pull us under the covers, Tepig snuggles into me as I wrap my arms around it dozing off dreaming what tomorrow will be like.

Hey everyone! Sorry about the long wait for the second chapter, this quarantine has not been the kindest to my motivation but here you go! Next chapter will be out within the next couple days! So please stay tuned! Don't forget to vote, and comment. I love feedback so anything to make the story better would be so awesome! See you all next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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