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CHAPTER EIGHTI SAY WE FLOAT HIM"i've been breaking heart too"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"i've been breaking heart too"

     Barely five minutes passed from Dylan's return to camp before a pair of arms were wrapped around her, Murphy's body slamming into hers. She stumbled, barely managing to gain her balance back. Relief washed over her, he was fine. She wrapped her arms tightly around him.

     "Where the hell have you been!" He demanded as soon as he pulled away form the hug. Although he was seething with anger, he held her at arms length, checking her for any injuries or wounds.

     "I'm fine Murph." She assured, but it didn't stop him. He needed to be sure she was fine. His eyes searched her for any scrathes, any wounds, or any sign of blood. And there was no trace of any harm done to her except her shoulder. Her bomberjacket was slightly ripped, an arrow sized hole piercing through it. As well as that, blood surrounded it, signaling that she had been, in fact, hurt.

     "Who the hell did this?" He growled. She winced as his hand brushed over her wound.

Before she could answer, Bellamy, Clarke and a few others approached them. Another person flung themselves at her, wrapping her in a tight hug. Octavia. "Oh my gosh I'm so happy you're okay. We thought you were dead."

"What the hell happened out there? You were suppose to head back to camp after you left." Bellamy growled, not showing how worried he had been over his friend. She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Look, I got lost heading back, and suddenly this green fog was everywhere. I found a cave as shelter, and stayed there till this morning. Luckily I managed to find my way home." She explained. It wasn't necessarily a lie, just not the entire truth.

"And your shoulder?" Murphy questioned with his arms folded over his chest.

"I tripped when running from the fog. A sharp stick or something stabbed me. No biggie." She lied smoothly. Murphy nodded, buying the lie. "What'd I miss?" She asked, trying to change the topic.

"Well, Jasper's going to make it." Octavia said, a grin plastered in her face. Dylan couldn't help the grin gracing her own lips. Who would've thought. "No thanks to Murphy. He tried to kill him."

Dylan glared at the boy, smacking his head. "Dickhead." He rolled his eyes, deciding not to answer.

"Where's Wells? And Atom?" Dylan asked, looking around for the missing two. As soon as she mentioned Atom's name, Octavia glared at Bellamy. Dylan arched a brow at them.

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