▪️steve. m▪️

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[ Steve Colson McCall • 20 • bisexual • sextronautts]

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[ Steve Colson McCall • 20 • bisexual • sextronautts]

his entire family is basically filled with brainiacs, so it comes to no one's surprise that grew up with a passion for numbers. being a late bloomer, his once lanky frames and lack of muscles and acne definitely make it so he did not win in terms of schoolmates. however, when he picked up sports later into his high school career, with his sudden spurt of height and the clearing of his acne - he soon became the only boy people can't stop talking about. however, due to the lack of experience with people, the sudden attention did make him feel super awkward and unsure. but once you get to know him more, you'd realise he has a heart of gold, but not that great with new people or new situations where he's not comfortable. 

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