OS4: There For You (ZM)

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Zayn Malik {e}

There for you

Y/n P.O.V


"I'm sick and tired of you yelling at me" I say "I'm not yelling at you" he shouts. I pick up a vase throwing it at him but he moves out the way. "Oh so what your doing isn't yelling" I yell stepping around him i try to walk out the room, but he steps in front of me.

"Were are you going (Y/N)?" he asked grabbing my arm. I stood and looked at him. He really lost his mind." Harold get off of me and get out my face"

You know what my mom was right about you she said you do everything you doing now Harry says. "So now she's a fort-" I say stop by myself as a fall to the floor gripping my shirt and pain ripples through my body look into my peripheral I see harry rush over to my side kneelinbg by my crumpled body.

"Love I don't think that we should be together anymore we had so many fights in the last couple of days. Its just... I don't understand what went wrong" he whispers moving the hair from my face. " why do we always have to fight tired of fighting. I'm getting tired of our I love taking different turns"

He looks at me and strugs. He wasnt even going to fight for us! "You know what GET OUT HARRY!" I scream struggling to get up before leaving the room. Once in awhile my close the door and begin to cry . I didn't understand what was happening to us but I knew and hated it. Hated him.

I laid on my bed listening to Harry slam things in the living room, making me angrier and angrier. I rush back into the living room and look at him in anger as I noticed the now smashed picture frame of me and my mother. "Really Harold? Didnt I say leave? Oh my glob Grow Up!"I yelled at him as a knock sounds at my door. He looks at me before the door. Flipping him the bird began to pick up the pieces of glass and the messed up frame before heading back to my room.

Sitting down on n bead I listened to the muffled voices from down stairs. It was my best friend.

"Why is that vase? why is there glass all over the floor over there? Where's the pic with (Y/N) her mom?" "Me and (Y/N) got into a fight before you knocked. You caught us at a really bad time lad." "Were is she? Do you mind if I go check on her?" Asked Zayn.
Soon their loud talking transferred to hushed whispers.

I herd the thumping of feet on the stairs before a knock sounded. "Go away Harry" I yelled towards the door. "Its not Harry its Zayn" I quickly get up and opened the door. Zayn whipes my tears before pulling me into his warm embrace. I smiled to myself loving his warmth. Pulling away I closed the door and sat on my bed. "have you ever has a fight like this" I asked Zayn. "No. And I hope I don't with you" before I could even open my mouth to ask him what he meant his lips were placed upon mines. Loved. I felt loved.







♥ Hope you enjoyed

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♦ Written by: Yazzybabii

Edited/Enhanced by:RAYNEBOWIEZ

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