OS2: Wait What? (NH)

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Niall Horan                                 {e}

    Wait What?

        Written for

            Nasia (Nah-sha) P.O.V


I walked up to the strip club called Black Kittens and the bouncer Jon imidiately let me. The groans and shouts of the people waiting out side the club rolled off my back as I entered. Laughing I walked to the bar where my best friend was.

"Guy! Sex on the beach please" I called to her as she flirted with a female customer.

Nana looked at me and began to whine. "Damn! Niqqa Dayyyyummmm! Always mess in up  my flow Nasia and chill wit the Govt boo. Read the tag hoe. Says 'Nana'  oke? What you trynna do get me kidnapped!!! I'm too little for dat, pedos like dat!!"

I rolled my eyes at her, she mad over dramatic. "It wasn't that serious. Any way what's with that long line outside?" I asked "what do you mean the line is always long. You know everybody and dey mama trynna see Smalls and YaYa! ShiDd who wouldnt they some freaks" she said causing us both to smirk and bust out laughing because no one but us, Yaya, and the Manger knew who 'Smalls' really was.

" I swear it went around the back of the building and down the block" I said sipping my drink

"Oh DAT line" she said motioning me closer.

I leaned in.

"Aii so apparently there's guys in here from the UK or something. According to Coco there's two on the ladies side and there is one in a private room with Dakota" she giggled causing me to do a spit take.

"Bitch Dakota? Wait, so he's getting a private session with D?" I asked.

"Yes. Gay or Bi" Nana says handing me a napkin laughing and turning to help another customer. I sea a blonde haired man talking to some other guy at the end of the bar. Both men look at me as they continued there convo.


"Nana Imma go see Glitter" I said looking back at her. She wasn't even paying attention to what I was saying. She was busy flirting with the customer next to me.

Ughhh Ive created a monster!!!

I watched as Nana mouth something to the lady. She bit her lip looking at my best friend lustfully.


I snaped and tugged on her ear. "Really Bae?" I said near the lady she was flirting with causing the lady to curse at her and leave. When she was gone I busted out laughing.

"Omg Wtf Nasia!? I was so close!" She whined "yeah so close to Jae whopping dat-"

She cut me off whispering

"Jae ain't finna do nothing" she said.

"So why you whispering? Say it louder" I laughed when I noticed Jae behind her. "Ehhh! hemmmm! I SAID JAE AINT FINNA DO NOTHING!" she yelled looking at me.

"I ain't gonna do what ma" Jae said grabbing her from behind.

She squeaked looking at me wide eyed before mouthing 'your so dead'

I rolled my eyes blowing her and Jae a kiss before heading to the main womans stage.

"Next up is our favorite newcomer. She has the goods and the style. Ladies , Gentlemen, and the rest of youse its Freek "  called the anouncer through the mic.

She came onto stage and winked at the crowd. I laughed digging in my clutch. I took out a a few nickels and threw them at her making her to get angry. I took out some more change And threw them in her direction as well, making her lose focus. I laughed harder when she fell off the pole. Some laughed along with me. I looked around and there it was, the host of the laughter. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. He looked awfully familar. "Why'd you throw nickels at her?" He asked chuckling, he had an accent far from american. 



He's the guy from the bar. Dam he looks cute up close.

I shrugged my sholders and looked at him. "I don't know, I honestly just did it. Its not like I'll get in trouble tho i do it all the time" i say. "Oh. Well by the way I'm Niall, Niall Horan" he says holding out his hand.

I took his hand and shook It

"Hi I'm Nasia - wait what?" I asked shocked.

"Niall from boy band One Direction"

He runs his fingers through his hair .

Omg Niall. No way, I'm about to cry. OK! OK! Keep it together girl.

"Oh yeah. I knee you looked familiar, I just couldnt put my finger on it" I say
But why is he in a strip joint? And who's getting Dakota's special treatment? I ask myself.










Dedicated to

  > Because of the inside joke. Here you go Best Friend♥♥♥♥

♥ Hope you enjoyed

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      ♦ Written & Edited by:RAYNEBOWIEZ

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