Chapter 1 - Falling

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As you get into bed, teeth brushed and hair washed you scroll to find an AU book in which the reader is transported into the MCU. Being the huge marvel fan you quickly click on it and start to read until your head turns to face the clock on your desk.

1:00 AM

Groaning you put your phone on charge. You did have work tomorrow- well today...

Closing your eyes and drifting off as best you could, it felt like a minute passed until a weird buzzing noise filled your ears. You turn towards your door you see blue mist lit up by the moonlight pouring through your window. Specs of white and turquoise sparked and spazzed along the outer edges with a deep hue filling the centre.

"What in the name of-" the buzzing got louder as if you words had angered it. Taking your phone you turn on the flash to get a better look. It looked to be some sort of gas. "Now this would be a good time to call 911 but am I going to do that?..." you look down at your phone in contemplation before sighing; 911 was dialled.

Smarts was an apparent lack at this moment as you reach out your hand to graze the outer layer of the mist. Nothing seemed to happen until some type of force pushed you towards it. You tried to grab for something but as the pull grew, your grip on solid ground diminished.


Moments passed in darkness, confusion clouding your mind, until a setting sun blinded your eyes. Wind seemed to engulf you, your h/l hair flowing upwards.

It didn't seem to hit you that something was wrong, until you saw the patio of some sort of building come into view. "Fuck fuck fuck-" grabbing hold of your phone and bringing it to your chest you brace for impact.


"Where did they come from?" Tony asked Cap as he looked down at the sprawled figure on the tower patio.

"Beats me... bring them to the tower clinic," Cap reaches down to turn the person's head. Blood covered they're left temple. His eyes widened and he took the intruder in his arms down to the tower hospital wing.


Finally editing this! And yes I realise how short this chapter is but they will get longer!

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Finally editing this! And yes I realise how short this chapter is but they will get longer!

- Anna ❤️

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