The Truth

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I took a shower and got ready and I knew I was going to have to tell all the guys and our friends who I was choosing. I pulled on my black skinny jeans my cowboy boots that match Ashley's a black bra a Purdy's girl shirt and my leather jacket. Then I heard footsteps coming up to the door it was Ashley I could tell by the boots "don't knock Purdy boy" I said with a smile. Ashley walks in "how did you know it was me?" he asked "I know what your boots sound like." I said still smiling. I sees what I'm wearing and he hugs me "thank you I will not hurt you like he did" he whispers in my ear and I feel something being put on my head I look in the mirror and I see Ashley's cowboy hat "now you really look like a Purdy girl." He said as he smiled. He walks out and then I hear Andy say my name and I walk down stairs and the party was about to start when I grabbed the mic. "Ok everyone I have made my choice but before I tell you I need the truth Andy and I need it now." I said and every one from motionless in white to modern day escape looked at Andy and I knew that they knew the truth as well. Andy grabbed the mic from me and said "Hecate I was going to tell you after you told us who you have picked but I will tell you know do you remember the paper work I handed the woman at the front desk the day I adopted you a year ago?" he asked I nodded "well that was your birth certificate." He sighs "What do you mean it was my birth certificate I was told I had no family left." I say confused. I look at the guys and they look at me saying sorry. "Hecate you're my biological sister and ever since mom lost you I have been looking for you and the day we found you I didn't want to lose you againg you are a Biersack." Andy said and I smiled and cried and hugged him. "Why did you wait so long to tell me?" I asked "because I didn't want to scare you." I smiled and grabbed the mic "ok guys now that I have the truth who wants to know who I choose?" I asked. Everyone went nuts.

***okay guys this was almost hard to wright but i made it happen*

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