Chapter 11

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Steve's POV


I spun around at the sound of her voice. It had been five days since she'd been shot. The memory of her bloodied body still shone bright in my mind.

Natasha just stood there, mouth slightly open, eyes wide like a young child's. Then I noticed the glistening effect in them. Please don't cry! I thought, waiting for the tears to fall.

She moved toward me slowly and then she stopped. "How many days?" She mumbled, her eyes determined but sad. Lonely.

"Natash-" I began but I didn't finish. "How many days?!" Natasha shouted hitting a weaker spot in my defence system. It shatterd, mirroring Natasha as she counted the hours till my death. Then the horrible date flashed in my mind. I assume the same thing happened in Natasha's because she started crying fully now.

I moved closer to her but she backed away. I felt myself start to panic. Not now. Please. Not now.

"Look I'm--" "You left. You left because you knew. Knew that you had no time. So you ran, ran so you didn't gave deal with us." Natasha stressed  deal with a nasty spit. Then she locked eyes with me. "But now you've got more to handle."

Natasha pulled up her sleeves revealing scars, some fresher than others. "Why?" was all I managed. "Why?!" Natasha spat, "Because you left. I'm sorry our reunion hasn't been fairytale like. I truly am. But you should have thought that through a little more."

Natasha's glare didn't die down. I sighed inwardly and began to speak.

"I'm sorry. It's just I had to clear my head. When you got shot all my supports broke. There was nothing to hold me up. So, I had to clear it all up. Move things out, forget and replace. But I came back. I came back not because I had to, I most certainly didn't, because I wanted to. I needed to spend my last couple of days with you. All of you. So I came back."

Natasha shifted uncomfortably, "Fine. I believe you. Just don't leave again. Promise?" At this I nearly screamed. The way Natasha was so desperate, so determined to save me. Where as I had already excepted the fact I didn't have time left. "Promise?" Natasha asked again, this time more strong. "I--I can't."

To my surprise Natasha barely reacted. She moved silently to the sofa and sat. Her head in her hands, trembling a little.

For a moment no one said a thing. The silence was starting to grow on me, then it broke.

"I know. I know you can't promise me that....but I--I can't, won't...I just, just. Ugh whatever." Natasha stood up and walked out of the room. Her head held high but she was still shivering.

"You should go talk to her." I heard a voice behind me. It was Bucky. I didn't answer just nodded and started for the door. "Oh and Steve," "Yes?" "Tell her I'm sorry."

I frowned a bit at his words. Tell her I'm sorry. What was the supposed to mean? Anyway, as I turned the corner, headed to Natasha's room, I collapsed. My breathing started to uneven, and there was a dizzy sensation swimming around my brain. Then it all went black.

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