Chapter Two

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"Hey Lilac. It's me." I greeted my best friend with the nickname I'd given her by accident when we were kids. I heard her name wrong and thought she said Lilac instead of Lilah.

It was 8 in the morning. Caleb had gone to his PT to check out his arm. It was hurting pretty badly this morning so I forced him to go.

I was currently sat on the floor of the bathroom, I don't honestly know why, with the phone pressed to my ear as my best friend Lilah returned my greeting.

"It um... It happened again last night." I pressed my hand to my forehead in embarrassment.

"Yeah. Exactly the same as last time...

"NO! he didn't leave. He was extremely understanding which only made me feel worse...."

"He's at P.T. Right now.."

"Yeah... Well I'm actually calling because I have a favor..."

"Last night he suggested that I go see a.. A lady Doctor. And he doesn't want me to go alone.."

"What? When did he call you? I've been with him since last night; he didn't make any calls."

"He called me at 1 freaking A.M.!!" She screamed over the phone.

"Ow..." I mumbled away from the phone, "And you agreed?"

"Well... I wasn't exactly sober." She said with some guilt.

"Oh, I see... So how are you awake now?... He what??"

"He forced me to set an alarm with my ringer on the loudest setting or else he'd beat up my boyfriend!!"

"Lilah... You.. Don't have a boyfriend..?"

"You think I was aware of that last night??" She screeched.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, again, in pain. "Okay. I get it. What time do you want to go?"

There was a pause on the other line, and I think I heard part of a yawn. "I'm making myself some coffee so I don't crash and die, and then I'll come pick you up. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks for doing this. Caleb wouldn't let me go alone."

"Yeah yeah, you're boyfriend is the sweetest most caring person in the world. Whatever. See you in 20."

"Bye." I said with a laugh before the line went dead.

I got myself off the bathroom floor and stepped into the shower to continue my morning routine.


Conversation on the car ride to the doctor wasn't lax as Lilah gave me the play by play of her night.

Her mood seemed to improve every time she took a gulp of her coffee.

". . . And then his beer spilled all over my dress! So naturally he invited me to his room so I could get changed."

"Naturally." I responded mostly sarcastically

"And so we were in his room and I was just changing and that's when your damn boyfriend called. Seriously, worst timing ever."

She continued talking at the speed of light while I simply watched as trees and buildings streamed past us. I was grateful for her chatting. It helped to calm my growing nerves.

We pulled into the hospital and they gave me a form to fill out after we entered the waiting room.

"Why do medical buildings all smell the same?" Lilah asked as we sat down

"It's the smell of ultimate cleanliness." I answered. Not taking my eyes off the form

"If that's true then why does my apartment not smell like this after I deep clean it?" She asked. Trying to convince me it was a reasonable question.

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