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(A/N- Listen to the music while reading readers!)

We walked inside, taking cautious steps we walked forward. He said that one would survive, but we didn't want to lose each other. The fear of death haunted our minds. The room was covered with darkness, a thin layer of mist floated in the air. We held each other's hand and with heavy breaths we started the game. I guess we were doomed, but we didn't know the reason behind it. Why us? Why him?

The visibility was very low, there was pin drop silence. I heard few soft whispers as if someone was watching us. As we took another step the floor cracked as if it could bear no more weight, and the cemented floor broke down into thousands and lakhs of blocks. To complete this game we had to cross this deep hole, filled with molten lava. "Welcome to level 1!" the voice spoke again, "In this level you have to cross this hole with the help of a narrow bamboo", a long narrow bamboo connected the two ends of the hole, "Be careful!" he whispered, "Danger ahead!", the voice faded with an evil laugh.

"Everyone! Listen up! Breath in and breathe out twice" I commanded, "We will complete this game together. Are you all going to be with me?" I placed my hand in the middle of the circle. "Yes!" as always they agreed with my statement. With each and every breath we took our steps. Jungkook reached the end first, and then Suga, then Jimin and Taehyung. Only Hoseok and I were left to complete the level. Hoseok who was everyone's sunshine, brought light and joy in everyone's life, the great dancer and whose laughter brought smiles on other's faces. I miss him so much.

I was almost near the finishing point when the bamboo started trembling. My eyes widened, Hoseok was scared, he needed me but I couldn't turn, I couldn't reach out my hands towards him. I jumped and was welcomed by Suga's arms. But Hoseok was trembling, he didn't have the courage to complete it. "I can't do it", he screamed, tears streaming down his face. "Hoseok! Don't look down. Just stay calm. You've to complete it for us", Jimin tried to help him but it was of no use. 

His leg slipped but he managed to hold onto the bamboo. We screamed to help him keep on moving. He was near to the finishing point, near to my hand but I failed. I failed to save my brother. As soon as he caught my hand, his other hand slipped and Hoseok was engulfed by the molten lava. "HOSEOK!" everyone screamed, but he was no more. I still remember, when he was falling his eyes wear moist, his hand reached out to us but it was of no help. He left us with a smile as if he was still trying to lighten up our mood, but he failed this time. Our Sun was destroyed by the lava.

"NO!" I screamed and fell to my knees, "Tell me this is a nightmare", I wailed like a baby. I couldn't control my emotions anymore. "Namjoon" Suga caressed my hair, "Everything will be fine", he said in a calm tone. "Fine? FINE?" I raged with anger, "How can everything be fine?"... Suddenly we heard a feminine voice chanting a mantra, it seemed like voice of an old woman. She chuckled, "Wanna play?" she laughed, "Wanna play boys?"... I squeezed my eyes shut and gulped the lump of my throat, "Boys! Move! We have to end it when it has already started"...

With that we started our journey towards the next level. Who knew he would be next.


(A/N- Hello readers!

How are you all doing? I know everything going on outside is stressful

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How are you all doing? I know everything going on outside is stressful. Don't worry! Each and every problem has a solution, alright? Everything will be back to normal. Utilise your time in quarantine. This is a Game Of Thorns too. We all have to survive and live through this to prove that hardships won't break us down.Keep smiling, that gives hope to others too. 

Back to story. What do you think about this latest update? Vote and comment if you like it. ^^... I'll be waiting for your reviews. Two gone, who's next? What will be the next game? Keep thinking! Until then...

 Two gone, who's next? What will be the next game? Keep thinking! Until then

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I love you all ^^

I love you all ^^

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