Chapter 1-Meeting Him

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"Pull out Carol of the Bells," Mrs. G. tells us as we sit down and the bell rings. This is my favorite class, Senior Girls Choir. I love music. It is my escape from the world. Other people like math or science, but music is my thing. You'd think sleep would be the thing for anyone who hates school, don't get me wrong I absolutely love sleep but music speaks more than the dreams I have. Especially when those dreams will never in a million years happen in real life.

"Now go to measure five and we'll begin from there. Soprano 1 here is your note," she says as she sings a high A, "Soprano 2 here's yours," she sings a high D, "Altos here is your note," she sings an F. We begin singing as she carefully listens to tell us exactly what we need to work on before the Christmas Concert in a week.

We all seems to sing the right notes and rhythms effortlessly as she leads us in 4-4 time. I could almost hear the bells ringing in my head as we sang, Ding-Dong Ding-Dong. Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love getting to spend time with my family and focus on the things which matter most, besides school, of course, we have a break over Christmas for a reason.

"Hey did you hear?" My close friend Rose asks. I look at her cluelessly motioning with my hand for her to go on. "Did you hear that Tyler is back from Argentina?"
I sat there thinking for a moment. I couldn't recall ever knowing a Tyler. Either I'd never met him or I just was never very impressed so we weren't very close friends. "Who is that? I didn't even know a Tyler used to go to our school."

"He moved to Argentina for his dad's work two years ago. Now he has a super adorable accent. I can't believe you didn't hear. All of the girls here have been talking about how he isn't the little scrawny Freshman that we used to know." She looked around as if there would a sign of him in here. An all girls class.

"U-" I was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing. I sighed in relief that I could get away from this conversation. Rose and I have classes on opposite sides of the school so we went our separate ways.

The halls now smell like peppermint candy canes because it was now the Christmas season. The air felt heavy from all of the students trying to get from one place to another trying to get around all of the people stopping at lockers and all of the people making out against the lockers. And others were trying to move the "adorable" couples away so they could get into their lockers.

I got to my class and their was yet another couple making out in front of the door. I really just want to just get some duct tape and wrap it around them so they couldn't get apart. It is hilarious. I did it at an amusement park once and they were desperately trying to break away from each other. Seeing as I didn't have any duct tape I did the next best thing.

I walked up to the door right in between them, "Hi, excuse me. You're so adorable it makes me sick." I went right in between them creating a space between them with my hands.

"What the heck!" The random dude yells at me. "Could you not see that we were making out?"
I scoffed and turned to look at the guy, "No I could see you. I we just about to puke all over you because you make me sick."

"Hey, it's okay babe. You need to go to class anyway. We can continue this after school at my place at 3:45, don't be late." She turned away smiling walking in to the classroom, but not without bumping me as she passed.

The last bell rang to end the day. So I picked up my brown over-the-shoulder bag and walked out the school to my car. I walked through the parking lot as fast as I could so I wouldn't be held up in the parking lot for half an hour, because there is only one exit.

I pulled out and went through the parking lot as students were coming out of the building. I quickly turned on Pandora and plugged it into the speakers in my car while I was waiting for my turn to go. I smelled my peppermint air freshner. Well, what can I say? It's Christmas and I love the smell of candy canes. It's one of the main sweets I eat around Christmas time.

I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving toward my house. I could see the white snow on the ground. It had tire marks in it and was started to go black from the tires. It didn't exactly smell like freshly fallen snow would even though it is still snowing. The cars make it smell disgusting.

I stopped at a stoplight and it wasn't long until I felt myself being lurched forward. I looked back and saw that someone rear ended me. Are you freaking kidding me? I just paid my parents for this car. My head hit the steering wheel and it was now bleeding. Stepping out of the car I looked behind me and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? I am so sorry. I'm just getting used to driving American cars again." I heard his accent and immediately knew that it was the guy everyone had been talking about. I looked at him and he had a look of panic on his face.

"Um, are you alright?" He asked again his voice laced with concern. With an expression of concern on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing a band-aid can't fix. I'm just worried about my car. I just finished paying it off." I stated sadly looking at my car.

"Well, the police are on their way and I will take full responsibility for what happened." He said firmly trying to tell me exactly how sorry he was by taking all responsibility for it.

"I would hope you would take full responsibility. It is your fault." I stated folding my arms over my chest glaring at him.

"You're right, it is my fault I'm the one that rear ended you while you were just sitting there. I'm sorry." He whispers asking for my forgiveness.

I heard the police car before I saw the lights. There was also an ambulance. They stopped and the paramedics rushed over and let me over to where they could clean my cut. They got out an rubbing alcohol pad and rubbed it over my wound to clean it. After cleaning it the paramedic put two butterfly band-aids over it.

"Okay miss, you are good to go have a nice night." I looked over seeing them doing drinking test on Tyler. Once determining he was clean and I didn't have any serious injuries they let us go.

"Hey do you need a ride. Your car is totaled and mine is perfectly fine so I could drive you home."

"Sure. That would be awesome." I smiled at him. He opened the door for me and I slipped in.
His car had the new car smell. I loved that smell. Remembering back to when I first got my car. The smell was just amazing.

"I'm Tyler by the way." He says.

"I'm Cari."

"I will pay for your car. You can get a new one or I will just pay for the damages, your choice. My father has a lot of money. I can afford either."

"Thank you." I said sincerely. Looking at him as I said it. He looked over at me and had a question in his eyes. Silently asking me where to go.

"Make a right. My house is not he corner." We pulled up to my house and he got out and opened my door for me.

"I guess I'll see you around Cari." He winked at me and we walked to the porch together and I said thank you and we went our separate ways. He drove off and I went up to my room lying in bed thinking about this mysterious guy.
There is Chapter 1 for y'all. I hope you enjoyed it. I decided to have Spencer Hastings from PLL as Cari.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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