Prologue-Last year

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So many emotions were going through me at this moment. I just went to the park for a good winter walk in the snow when I see my boyfriend, or should I say ex-boyfriend kissing Hailey, the biggest brat in school. I screamed at him and ran knowing it would get his attention.

“No you can forget about us!” I yelled at Ryan as he chased after me. I was crying now. tears pouring down my face as I ran away.

“I thought we had something Cari. Please don’t leave. I’ll be better, actually I’ll be the best guy you could ever want. Just please give me another chance,” he pleaded. his eyes not even watering.

“We did have something until you went and kissed Hailey. How could you betray me this way?”

“I didn’t mean to. She came onto me. Cari, I swear, I would never hurt you.” He said trying to sound as sincere as a liar could.

“You are kidding me, right? I watched you lean in and kiss her,” his face fell as I went on, “Don’t try and make me look like a fool. I assure you I am not a fool and I will not fall for your games so easily again!” I screamed in fury. Now I couldn’t even see his face anymore because the tears were blurring my vision

“Cari, we can fix this. It wasn’t supposed to happen it just did.”

“Just like I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you? I just did?” I asked turning away. “I can’t believe I gave you my heart you jerk.” I whispered crying even more now.

I went home and cried all night. He was my first love and I knew it was going to happen sometime I just didn’t expect it so soon. What did I do? Maybe this is a good thing. I can go back to living my life boy free. I will make 2014 the best year ever.


That year I didn’t have anymore boyfriends. I figured it was good for me to stand on my own feet for a little while before I tried getting into another relationship. I gave away my heart that Christmas only to have him give it away the next day.

It really has been a good year. I had straight A’s for the rest of that year and I was able to get a job and concentrate more on saving for college.

Ryan still after almost a year glances my way every time he sees me. It’s starting to get old and he just needs to move on just like I did. Even though what he did to me was terrible he was still a person and he deserves to be happy but that happiness is not with me. I have found my happiness in my school work and my job he can find his however he want. We’re seniors now. We have to live while we can before we have to worry about bills and such.



Hey thank you for reading my story! I’m really excited! Sorry if I don’t update a lot. It is going to be really hard to update considering it is the holiday season and it is almost midterm which means more and more assignments for me. Yay! note the sarcasm. so ya… I hope you enjoy the rest of my story.


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