Chapter 1 'Eyes'

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"Take her out please, she needs to use the bathroom" my mom pleaded

"No! She's a freaking inside dog for a reason, she does it inside!" I told her since she was clearly not listening to me which was frustrating!

"Just go!" she urges me.

"Ughhhhhh!!!! She's a freaking inside dog and it's cold and dark outside!!" I complained but even though I was complaining I was still putting on my jacket. I picked up my mom's chihuahua and stormed out of the house.

It was her damn dog, couldn't she do it and the dog is inside for a reason, she does her shit inside! Not to mention I took care of all the animals in the barn. That includes the two horses and my husky. You think I would get a break!?

I let her go letting her sniff and do her business as I watched her, the cold night hair was actually relaxing and keeping me from screaming into the air in frustration.

Chili my mom's chihuahua finally went to the bathroom after doing circles for 10 minutes straight.

I sighed, "Finally!" I turned to go to the house but stopped when I heard growling. I looked at Chili and saw her fur was up on her back as she looked at the forest behind my house.

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, Ms. Sassy" I picked her up but she just got louder and then started barking and snapping at something in the forest. I was starting to get freaked out, I looked towards the forest and that's when I saw it.

Bright yellow eyes staring at me.

Alright this was not a horror movie, this was not supposed to happen to me especially when I'm alone it's like 9:00 at night, its almost pitch black?!

I started backing away but the thing growled and Chili jumped from my arms.

"You idiot come here!" I screamed but she ignored me and went towards the thing. Yep she's dead, I was not going in there I've seen my share of horror movies to know that the best thing you should do is leave your mom's dog.

Good bye Chilli you will be missed and my soul since I'm the that has to tell mom that I left you to die. But then I heard whining and Chilli coming out running back to the house her tail between her feet the whole time.

I sighed in relief as I watched her go and was about to chase after her but I heard a growl that jut stopped me in my tracks. Normally you would just run faster but I just froze I was to scared to move! Fuck legs, move please I'm not ready to die. I didn't notice I had closed my eyes until I finaly opened them and saw a big black wolf in front of me snarling, clearly he didn't like me. I screamed and fell down on my bum, I tried to get up but my legs were jello and I kept falling back down.

The wolf came closer to me and I knew my face was written with terror at the moment.

'Please just go away!' I screamed in my head.

It got even closer but I wasn't about to let it eat me so I started backing up as I tried to recover my legs again. But it only barked and came closer, I whined and stopped moving as I closed my eyes waiting for the pain of teeth on my delicate skin.


This didn't happen in horror movies so that means I'm not going to die....right?

I slowly opened my eyes, my blue eyes meeting yellow. I gasped the wolf was right in front of me! The wolf came closer and sniffed my neck.

What the fuck?! Is it some wolf pervert?!

I felt it's tongue on my neck and I freaked out moving away from it as I tried to stand up again, which I succeeded this time as I ran towards the house.

I barely got half way though as I felt something on my ankle bringing me down. I fell face first on the ground and looked up to meet a familiar pair of yellow eyes. This time I growled and tried pushing the wolf away from on top of me but the thing didn't budge.

Is this wolf on steroids or something!!??

The wolf smirked and started sniffing my neck again.

Did it just smirk?

Was I going crazy?

I felt it's tongue on my sensitive skin again and groaned. This fucking wolf was being a weirdo whether it liked or not. I covered my neck with my hands and tried pushing it away, but all it did was start sniffing my stomach. Yeah, no, not if I have something to say about it. I turned around so I layed on the ground my stomach to the ground.

What are you gonna do now wolfie? I couldn't help a chuckle as I heard it growl in frustration.

"Stuck now Mr. Wolf, you know your a big pervert it's almost as if you have a human brain!?" I confessed to it.

I was about to get up and make a run for it but I felt his nuzzle, nuzzling something it shouldn't. I yelped and hit the wolf's stomach running away.

No one touches my bum and gets away with it! I huffed and raced inside, my mom was on the couch with Chili. I raced to the window and looked out, the wolf entered the forest and soon I heard howls in the forest. I sighed in relief and looked at my mom, pissed.

"That's the last time I'm doing that!"

"Why is that honey?" She asked me looking up from her book.

You know your dog came in before me you would think she would check on me?!

"Oh nothing! I wasn't about to get raped by a wolf or nothing?" I said sarcastically.

She looked at me for a second but then blinked and smiled "Be careful but thank you for taking Chilli out." She said to me.

Could she be any more oblivious?!?!

I rolled my eyes but just kissed her goodnight, I really couldn't be mad at her for anything.

"Night mum!"

"Night Darling!"

I got up to room and took a shower with cold water, just so it could calm me down. I finished and flopped on my bed thinking of the pervert wolf. What the hell was his problem anyway?!

Oh well time for sleep!

It's no use making such a big deal of out it, I mean I wouldn't see the wolf ever again?!

I turn off the lights and drifted to sleep.

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