Chapter 2

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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Josuke's last lesson had been literature, meaning Molly was the teacher of the hour. Koichi and Okuyasu were there too, and the trio had planned on doing something together after class. They were packing their things up and idly chattering, when Molly called out to Josuke.

"Oh Josuke-kun, there's actually something I'd like to talk to you about, can you stay for a while?" she asked expectantly. Josuke quickly nodded and walked over to her desk in the front, telling Okuyasu and Koichi that he'd catch up with them later.

"Did she just call him Josuke-kun?" he heard Okuyasu whisper not so quietly to Koichi while they walked out. Josuke blushed ever so slightly and scratched the back of his head in a nervous manner.

"So sensei, what did you wanna walk about?" he asked, gaze focused on the whiteboard. Please don't ask about Jotaro-san, pleasedon'taskaboutJotaro-san.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind me asking, but how are you acquainted with Jo-I mean Kujo-san?"


"Oh haha, that's a funny story, I'm actually his uncle" he said and chuckled nervously. As long as he didn't mention stands, he could still tell the truth, right? Molly blinked, what did he just say?

"You're his... Uncle? How?" she asked, clearly confused. Josuke then explained the ordeal, being careful not to mention the stand activity in Morioh. When he was done Molly just sighed and shook her head.

"That Joseph, always getting in trouble" she muttered. Josuke chuckled, a genuine reaction this time, and then he thought to ask Molly how she knew Jotaro.

"Hm? You didn't ask him?" she wondered out loud.

"Well, I did, but he refused to tell"

"Yeah, that sounds like him alright" she said with a chuckle and continued

"Well, we went to the same school, but I only really got to know him once we took that trip to Egypt. And well, things escalated from there and we lived together until... Until he just up and left. That was five years ago, and now he's here" she said, the last part had her lower her voice.

"Wait, you were together together?" he blurted out, he had a hard time believing someone as angelic as her could ever have dated Jotaro's moody ass. Molly smiled, a sad smile.

"Yeah, but like I said, that was a long time ago" she mused solemnly, oh what she'd give to be held by him again. But he wasn't here for her, and she wasn't dumb enough to put herself through hell again. Her face softened and she opened her mouth to speak again

"He may come off as cold and uncaring, and he's not the best with words... But deep down he's a gentle soul, and sometimes he cares a little too much for his own good. Sometimes I fear he thinks he bears the weight of the world on his shoulders" and the way she said it made something twist in Josuke's heart, he wished she'd speak that way about him. It was obvious that she still felt something for the man, the way her eyes turned oh so dreamy whenever she spoke of him.

"Sensei, forgive me for asking, but do you still uh, like, love him?" Josuke asked her warily. She was a bit taken aback by the sudden question, but couldn't stop her impending blush.

"Wha-n-no, I uhh... I don't know..." she managed to sputter out, then drew a hand through her hair and sighed. When she had regained her composure she continued

"My feelings for him are... Complicated, but it doesn't matter. He's not here for me, and I accepted his choice to step out of my life a long time ago. If he doesn't need me, I'm not going to insist" she said, determined not to cry. She was a very emotional person after all, and thinking about all this was making her feel all kinds of ways.

"Ah, I'm sorry for keeping you so long, your friends must've grown tired of waiting. I'll see you tomorrow Josuke-kun" she said, to which Josuke nodded in thought.

"See ya" he said with a wave of his hand, and Molly returned the gesture. Once he was out the door, Molly slumped down in her chair and ran her hand through her hair once again.

"Good grief" she muttered, and when she realised the irony of it all her lips curled upwards just the slightest. She hadn't noticed Kakyoin appearing at the door, and gave a startled yelp when she heard him approaching.

"Oh Kakyoin, it's you" she let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. You're just so cute, I couldn't help it" he chuckled, and Molly looked away with red cheeks.

"That's not very nice, Noriaki-kun" she playfully pouted, and goddamn she was cute was all Kakyoin could think of. When he had coherent thoughts again, he reached his hand out to her.

"You ready to go, Amane-chan?" he asked in the same playful manner she had done, which elicited a giggle out of her.

"I sure am" she said and took the hand he had offered.

Their stroll home to their respective houses had been filled with idle chatter, until Molly had worked up the courage to ask what was on her mind.

"Kakyoin, why was Jotaro in your office yesterday?" she asked quietly, almost like she was afraid of what he might answer. He sighed, he had been waiting for her to ask.

"He has some business in town and heard from someone that I work at the school. He just came by for old times sake" he said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Molly didn't completely buy his explanation, but she didn't wanna pry into it. He'd tell her if she needed to know.

"Alright, if you say so. Did he say anything... About me?" she shyly inquired with rose tinted cheeks, which Kakyoin didn't miss. He frowned for a split second but then gently spoke

"No, not really. He was glad that we're both doing well is all"

"Oh, I see" she said quietly, it was hard to hide the disappointment.

"Well looks like we're here already, I'll see you tomorrow" she said when her house was visible, and gave the redhead a hasty hug goodbye. Too hasty for Kakyoin's liking.

"See you" he mumbled into her hair before she let go. With that she departed into her house, and Kakyoin continued next-door to his own home.

Meanwhile at the Morioh Grand Hotel, Jotaro was at war with himself. When he had seen her after all that time, it had taken every shred of willpower to not stop time then and there. He wanted so badly to see her, to talk to her, to touch her and he had to keep reminding himself why he had left her in the first place. He had sworn to himself that he'd protect her from the evils of the world, even if it meant leaving her.

But now, she was so close, and he sincerely doubted that he'd be able to stay away. He was rudely snapped out of his thoughts when the phone rang, he briskly picked it up and answered it, somewhat annoyed


"How the hell did someone like you score with Amane-sensei!?" Josuke practically screeched through the phone, and Jotaro held it a good way away from his ear.

"Good fucking grief" was all he could mutter before telling the teenager off.


Here's an absolutely horrible doodle of Molly sporting some risqué lingerie. This is completely unrelated to this chapter. Sorry, not sorry 😁

 Sorry, not sorry 😁

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