Chapter 13

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"Jotaro, do you have a moment?" Molly asked the marine biologist, gently tugging at his coat for attention. He paused whatever he was doing and turned his head to look at her.

"Anything for you" he quietly answered, a little nervous at the sudden question. She moved a chair next to the hotel room desk he was situated at and sat down, fiddling her thumbs nervously.

"I wanted to tell you about Joshua" she said and avoided his piercing gaze.

"Joshua?" he asked with a quirked eyebrow, he had no idea where this was going.

"Yes, Joshua, our son" she clarified and sighed deeply. Jotaro joined his hands in hers as a comforting gesture, making her look at him. It had been five years, but the death of her child had left deep scars, both physical and mental.

"Please, tell me. I would like to know" Jotaro murmured and looked at their joined hands. She took a deep breath and spoke.

"I was around four weeks along when you left, I found out just a day later. It wasn't exactly ideal" she laughed a bit and continued "But I loved you and I always hoped you'd come back. So, I decided to keep the life growing in me. Everything was going fine, until one night. I started having contractions and Kakyoin took me to the hospital but..." she trailed off and her grip on his hands tightened.

"T-they couldn't find his heartbeat, and I had an emergency c-section. But it was too late" tears were freely rolling down her cheeks now, and it took everything in her to not break down right then and there.

"He was already dead, and even if I traded my life there was no guarantee he'd stay alive. He was so, so small, only 30 weeks" she had to bite her lip to stop it from quivering, but it didn't help much.

"I-I have a picture, if you'd like to see" she sniffled and freed one of her hands to take the photo out of her purse. She handed it to him, and he looked at it with a soft expression on his face. In the picture was Molly, 20 years young with a bundle in her arms. She looked terribly tired and her eyes were red and puffy from crying, one could tell even though her gaze was concentrated on the small form in her arms.

A terribly small face, with still somewhat chubby cheeks and little tufts of black hair, hands roughly the size of a one yen coin. He was beautiful, if one hadn't known any better, you'd think he was just asleep. Jotaro was overcome with an overwhelming emotion, but he didn't know what to make of it, as usual.

"I'm sorry" was all he managed to mumble while holding the picture in his now shaking hand. Molly gently took the photo from him and put it back in her purse.

"It's alright. It doesn't get any easier, but I've learned to live with it" she said and Jotaro was about to apologise again, but she beat him to it.

"You don't have to apologise, I don't blame you. You had your reasons for leaving. But, I have to ask. What am I to you, Jotaro? Are you going to leave me again when all of this is over?" she whispered with a broken voice, unable to look him in the eyes. He stood up and pulled her into a surprisingly gentle embrace, and she immediately melted into it.

"I'm not going to leave you. Come with me to Florida" he said in between pressing kisses to her head.

"Florida!?" she exclaimed in surprise shock and pushed away from Jotaro to look him in the eyes.

"That's on the other side of the world, I-I can't just leave like that" she stuttered and looked down. She sighed and intertwined their hands once again.

"I'll think about it" she murmured and tiptoed to press a kiss to his lips, Jotaro had to bend his head down to reach.

"That's all I can ask for" he cooed and pulled her closer once more, and they stayed like that until Molly got tired of standing, so they moved to the bed and just held each other close. It wasn't a surprise that Molly fell asleep, and once she did Jotaro carefully shuffled out of bed to get back to his work. His peace didn't last long, the loud ring of the phone making him grunt in disapproval. He answered it before it could wake Molly up.

He listened to Koichi tell him about Rohan's research and what they had found, deciding that they would pay a visit to Hayato Kawajiri.

"Tomorrow at 8:30 under the Pepsi sign, sounds good. We'll meet you there" he spoke into the phone before hanging up.

"Who was that?" came Molly's sleepy voice from behind him, she was lazily rubbing her eyes and yawning. Jotaro told her about the phone call, about what Rohan and Koichi had found out.

Hayato Kawajiri? Now where have I heard that before? She thought to herself, but couldn't for the life of her remember.

Oh well, must have been my imagination she concluded and blissfully continued her sleep.

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