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Nat was sweating nervously. Today was the day,she was gonna confess to her friend, known as ece. Her and ece were best friends,and she envolved feelings around her.


Nat was walking to ece's house,she was very nervous. When she arrived she knocked on ece's door. The door opened and then she saw her. Ece. Her true love. Ece began to smile ,,hey Nat! What brings you here?" She said happily. 'That goddamn adorable smile.' Nat thought. ,,A-ah uhm.. I wanted to visit you. It's been long since we saw each other you know?" Ece nodded ,,I'm glad! Come in,come in." She let Nat in.

Sometimes later Nat gulped looking at Ece ,,hey...ece?". Ece turned and looked at Nat ,,hm?". Nat got nervous ,,uhm..I wanna tell you something.". Ece nodded ,,what is it?". Nat took a breathe in and out ,,uhm..I wanted to say I like you..lately I was thinking about you and got butterflies in my stomach talking with you,then I realized I was in love with you. I love you. Alot. You are amazing,and really adorable. You are here for me and always by my side. It's okay if you don't feel the same.." she sighed,looking away. Ece was flustered. But then,Nat felt hands on her cheeks. Ece pulled Nat in for a kiss. It was a very soft and gentle kiss. Ece's lips were warm and so smooth. Ece pulled away chuckling ,,I love you too you goof!". Nat flinched and smiled happily,hugging ece thight.

Later on,they were watching a movie,eating popcorn and some sweets,while cuddling under the blankets.

Haha the end- jeez this took me some time,but I'm glad. Yeah so I basically made this fanfic a long time ago,but I didn't post it here. I sent it to one gc. It went like this,but I changed some things in here. If Nat wants this to be deleted,then i'll delete it,it's fine! And if Nat sees this,I love you😳💕

Nat x Ece 😳😳👉🏻👈🏻Where stories live. Discover now